can I add another dish myself


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 9, 2006
Birmingham, AL
I've heard about all the fun stuff at the 61.5 satellite. I'm a gold hd subscriber, so it isn't a question of eligibility, but can I buy a used dish locally or off ebay and install it myself and just patch it in to my current satellite signal coming off a Super DIsh (I think)? I noticed the box that handles the incoming connection and sends it to the receivers has a lot of places to screw things into it. Please advise.
Maybe. Here's a link with plenty of information that you can read before you decide to have fun playing. :)

You really need to determine exactly what kind of dish, LNBF, and switch you have before going any further.

Without researching Alabama, it is possible that you may have a SuperDish 105 with a DP-34 switch, that you were using to receive locals, and a few HD channels. If so, and if your locals were moved to 110, then you could disconnect the 105 lead to the DP-34 and replace it with a lead from a wing dish to receive 61.5 to get additional HD and PI channels, or 129 for the HD channels.

Edit: However... Again, this all depends on what type of equipment you really have. You may want to determine the exact equipment and post, and then someone will give you a definite answer.

Good luck.
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As far as I remember, Birmingham was never a SuperDish market. I would guess that since you have HD Gold you probably have a Dish1000.

The "check switch" will tell you what type of switch and what satellites it gets.
I added a second dish myself, including aiming the dish at the satellite 61.5(probably the hardest part). If you have patience you can do it.

Calling Dish for Cinemax HD

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