Can a SW34 be used with 921?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 20, 2003
My current setup uses 2 sw21's to feed my 2 dishes to 2 receivers. When I get a 921 I'll want to add another line for it's second tuner. I planned on Dishpro swith and may need an adapter for the 921. Can anyone let me know what is the correct switch is that I'll need. My current setup is one 301 receiver and one 6000 with 2 dishes so I can get cbs-hd.
34 switch

you can use the 34 switch with the 921 no problem, but it is a dishpro switch and your 6000 is not dishpro so you will need adapter for the 6000, the 301 and 921 will be just fine. richard
It's actually called a DP34. You'll need the DishPro Adapter for the 6000, and a DishPro Dual on the 110/119 dish, and a DishPro single on the 61.5 dish (this is what I have).

OR, you could go with a legacy SW64 switch. But, if you've using a legacy Twin on the Dish 500, then you need to change that to 2 legacy Duals, mounted on a Y-bracket.

Either way, it's a bunch of money. I decided to go with the DishPro because is supported longer cable runs.
Thanks for the info. I plan on selling the 6000 once I'm sure the 921 is working well. So I'll have my two dishes going to the dp34 and that feeds my 301 and 921 with room for an additional receiver if I choose.
Hold on, I'm confused again. I have twin LNB's on my 500 and I guess a single on the 300 (on the roof). I don't think they're Dishpro lnbs. So will the dp34 work with them? I guess the 921 will work with either legacy or Dishpro????? You just can't mix and match before you get from the satellite to the receiver without adapters???? This is turning into pain in the nether regions.
To work with a DP34 dish, you need a DishPro twin or two DishPro singles on the Dish500, and a DishPro single on the Dish300.
Damn, so I guess I bought the wrong switch. I think what I need is a sw64. Does this sound right? Then I'll have all legacy equipment.

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