Can I use an HR20 without the db9?

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Aug 17, 2006
As I type my HR20 is out for delivery from UPS. Dtv can't get me a new dish til next Wednesday, so my question is.
Can I swap my current box out for the new unit and activate it and just not get HD until I get the new dish? Or will it simply not work properly or with dtv give me a hassle if I tried to activate it and wait til next week for HD?
Got the HR20 from VE when I got home. Hooked it up and called to activate it, works like a champ. For some reason I wasn't getting my normal locals at first, but it corrected itself. And since I currently have the 3lnb even though I didn't have HD before I get all but local HD :)
Now I don't have to deal with activation and such when they put up my new dish.

Also I don't know what to watch since all my season pass' were in my old hughes tivo box, this is definatly going to take some getting used to. I already miss the suggestions even though I didn't watch them too much.
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