Can this be done?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 20, 2003
San Jose, California
Can one use the same dish pointed at the 61.5 location to recieve Dish as wll as VOOM?

If not why not?

If so what equipment would be need beyond the dish itself?

You would need a dual lnb with two lines out, one to each receiver. You could get fancy and use a multiswitch too if you were going to add more than two receivers. I think there was a thread on that somewhere in the VOOM forum...?
dlsnyder said:
You would need a dual lnb with two lines out, one to each receiver. You could get fancy and use a multiswitch too if you were going to add more than two receivers. I think there was a thread on that somewhere in the VOOM forum...?

My goal is to be able to receive Dish CBSHD from NY and Voom whilst using the same dish.

Currently I have the two dish Dish setup feeding two reciever (6000 – 301) in two different rooms. The only channel I receive off of I48 is CBSHD .First dish: 110/119 Second dish: 148. I am not sure of the switch but I think it is a SW21.

To accomplish this my plan was/is to repoint my second dish from 148 to 61.5. Easy enough but I must need some sort of hardware that will allow me to split the signal into the two different recievers that will be connected set. (Dish 6000 and Voom).

What hardware would this be?
Just get a Dish500 and set it with no skew or at the 90 degree mark. Place a dual lnb on each arm of the "Y" plastic lnb holder. Feed one dual lnb to voom and the other to two SW21's cascaded to the legacy twin, if that's what you have. At vertical, it doesn't matter which lnb you use for which service.

There is no need to split the signal. You need separate coaxes. The DishNetwork switches are not compatible with the Voom hardware.
Mike500 said:
Just get a Dish500 and set it with no skew or at the 90 degree mark. Place a dual lnb on each arm of the "Y" plastic lnb holder. Feed one dual lnb to voom and the other to two SW21's cascaded to the legacy twin, if that's what you have. At vertical, it doesn't matter which lnb you use for which service.

There is no need to split the signal. You need separate coaxes. The DishNetwork switches are not compatible with the Voom hardware.

Sorry Mike this won't work. The "Y" plastic lnb holder w/ two dual lnbs will allow you to see two different sats at 9 degrees apart. It will not allow both lnbs to see a single sat (61.5). You can still use a DISH 500 or a standard 18" dish, but you'll only need one (dual) lnb.

If you not watching any of the channels from the wing sat. on your 301, just use a dual lnb pointing at 61.5 with one side going into the SW21 and then the 6000 and use the other side of the dual lnb for VOOM.
If this doesn't work, how does DNSC install a dish at 61.5 on only one arm of the "Y" to receive 61.5? With no skew on the Dish500, the signals will be directed straignt to the lnb's. The signals will not cross, as in two different satellite positions. Both lnb's will read the same satellite position! Both positions on the "Y" are mirrior images. It doesn't matter which arm you use, it will be at the same satellite position, if there is no skew on the Dish500.


Likewise, you can use a Dish500 with two legacy dual lnb's for DirecTV, if you only need 101 degrees for four receivers. No multiswitch would be needed.
That will NOT work. Only ONE side of the "Y" will see 61.5 the other side will either see 70.5 or 52.5 depending on which on is used. It is physically impossible for both lnb's to see the same satellite.
Hook the dual lnb into a 3X4 your lines to each of the 4 receivers (2 DISH via sw21 switches, 2 VOOM) from the one lnb that is pointing at the 61.5 position. Of course this is assuming the polarity type and downlink frequency of the VOOM signals are the same as the DISH signals.
n0qcu said:
That will NOT work. Only ONE side of the "Y" will see 61.5 the other side will either see 70.5 or 52.5 depending on which on is used. It is physically impossible for both lnb's to see the same satellite.

You might be right, since the Dish500 is also curven in the horizontal axis. Just a thought that it might work. May be worth a try with some tweaking.
Wouldn't one lnbf be focusing on one side of the dish while the other lnbf would be focusing on the other side of the dish with none of them being focused directly in the middle?

I would think that one could change the Y adapter on the end where the lnbf goes on to where both lnbfs would focus in on the middle of the dish. One would have to cut some of the plastic off in a V shape going \ on the end on the left side and going / on the end on the right side making it look more like a V shape on the end.

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