Can We Start a General Dish Network Forum?


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
I like to come here and read all the threads with the latest viacom/E* info, and this Viacom Forum is working out well. But I wish there were a place for mundane everyday E* topics like AE package info and addition speculation, Charlie Chat request threads, Scott's pontification on the general state of E* and his hot tips.

Can we please have a General Dish Network Forum? :)
AppliedAggression said:
I think it's over everyones' heads. Ah well.

Just a bunch of carpet munchin' bottom feeders 'round here... :D

...or Viacom has everyone so tense, they checked their humor at the door. :)
sprinklerguy said:
Don't read the viacom threads if you don't like them....I don't.

Actually, if you want to discuss the Viacom issue, do it in the Viacom thread. I know that's getting tougher to do because of the paralysis that sets in when overwhelmed with so many choices.

One thing common to great forums is the restraint shown in not having duplicate topics. Ever notice that?

Can we get this smilie?
i'm also tired of people starting new threads about something that has already been talked about 100 times. There is a nice button called search !

End of rant
I do agree.. between the 811 and the Viacom issue... there's not much room to breathe in new topics.

Anyone wanna spat about PQ again?
It must be great that we have so little to talk about that we beat to death the topics that we do have. Viacom and the 811. We need some Dish news(good), so we can have soemthing else to talk about. Maybe the CC will offer that.

gpflepsen, why don't you start a new topic, since this was you idea. Be sure it ain't a bitchy one, like this one.
jerryez said:
gpflepsen, why don't you start a new topic, since this was you idea. Be sure it ain't a bitchy one, like this one.

A new topic? You're looking at one jerryez. If you think this is bitching, how does one just take a critical look at something?

Dish should make the Viacom stations

Tonight's Charlie Chat is going to be squat...

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