Tonight's Charlie Chat is going to be squat...

Both our teams pissed me off this weekend - us for losing to the Cuse, you guys for blowing a huge lead against MSU. Not in a good mood, and this CC isn't helping... :)
I bet Charlie does not even show up.

He will let others pass all the depressing bad news to us.

But, if things work out, I will show of course to give us the good news.
Yes according to a note I received, Charlie will be making a stament regarding Viacom, he will also be talking about SI TV, New channels in the Spanish packages, new locals and a "special surprise guest"
I like when he talks about new locals coming, only to be dissapointed when Duluth isnt on the list...even though is was said in November as "Coming January"
Its sad to hear then announce new locals and then when you call to order them you find out you need a SuperDISH and need to wait 6 months to get your SuperDISH installed.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Its sad to hear then announce new locals and then when you call to order them you find out you need a SuperDISH and need to wait 6 months to get your SuperDISH installed.

very true....yet the neighbor who is a new customer gets it right away.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Its sad to hear then announce new locals and then when you call to order them you find out you need a SuperDISH and need to wait 6 months to get your SuperDISH installed.

Yeah, isn't that nice? That's why I installed a 30" dish in addition to the D500 system to pick up my locals. Wasn't hard to do at all. Hardest part was convincing Dish I had an equivalent Superdish system in order to turn on the locals.

Too bad Dish isn't selling a second add-on dish for 121 locals.

Oh well, if the viacrap channels get turned off, there may be some Superdish 121's on ebay for cheap soon..... :smug
Iceberg said:
I like when he talks about new locals coming, only to be dissapointed when Duluth isnt on the list...even though is was said in November as "Coming January"

and still... i think it's still better when they DO mention certain market, then if they weren't even be mentioning it...

at least, this way there is always some hope, that it will "pop-in" some day :)

It's just good advice - not to take everything that they say "at par"..
devide it by 10 or something :D
Then if it happens - fine!
If not - at least you d be less disappointed, cuz you were expecting something like that
I do not understand why there is still a shortage of superdishes... they have had time to get manufacturing rampped up, they should be able to meet demand by now. I understand the 811/921 shortage, but the SuperDish is not all that complicated, they should be able to make them quickly now.
and they have two different SDish manufacturers....

I still think they're keeping inventory low so it looks good for merger acquisition.. but that's another thread
Scott Greczkowski said:
Yes according to a note I received, Charlie will be making a stament regarding Viacom, he will also be talking about SI TV, New channels in the Spanish packages, new locals and a "special surprise guest"

Who? Mel Karmazin? :) :)
Iceberg said:
very true....yet the neighbor who is a new customer gets it right away.
Pay your neighbor $5 a month to run 3 lines over to your DP34 and piggyback off their dish. :) Or wait one night until all their lights go off and "move" their dish over to your property. They won't notice. :)

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