Dish Network PQ


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Feb 5, 2004
Why does D* SD PQ look so inferior to regular local digital channels. NBC looks so much clearer using my antenna then say, USA for instance.
even dishnetwork has this problem with Locals.

They all seem to squeeze so may locals on transponders.
are you talking about Dish (E*) or Direct (D*)???

Since they compress the heck out of the channels, allowing them to fit up to 12 channels per Transponder (TP), thats why it looks different.
Dish Networks channels other than HD content look blury.To me and always have. :no
and for me dish as look a million times better than my old cablevision looked especally on the s-video connection on an rptv on an tube tv the rf connection looks better than the cable ever did though i never hooked it up via s-video

Tonight's Charlie Chat is going to be squat...

Bug in 508 guide?

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