Can you have locals show up in the guide without subing?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 26, 2003
The free preview of the Hartford local channels just ended. To my surprise they also disappeared from the guide. Is there a way to keep them on there. It'd be handy to know what's on before i switch to OTA. I don't see any reason for them not to show up because i don't subscribe to them. After all HBO and others are always there.
I think the reason why they chose not to have the network channels show up in the EPG because they did not want people to see the distant networks and question Dish Network about them showing up in the EPG when they are not able to subscribe to them because of the laws stating how some cannot receive certain or any networks if it is not offered in your DMA.
AppliedAggression said:
The free preview of the Hartford local channels just ended. To my surprise they also disappeared from the guide. Is there a way to keep them on there. It'd be handy to know what's on before i switch to OTA. I don't see any reason for them not to show up because i don't subscribe to them. After all HBO and others are always there.

NOPE! You don't subscribe to locals, you don't get to see what's on them.
The reason why the distant networks where removed from the guide is because this was the same time when the local channels where mapped in the 700's

Alot of customers where having problems remembering that their local channels where in the 700's so they would be surfing the guide and see the distant networks in Red and would think that DISH Network shut off their local channels and then call the 800# and start cussing out some poor CSR.

In addition, there where alot of customers who saw the distant networks there in the guide in RED and wanted to subscribe to them and DISH seemed like the bad guy when they refused to sell them because they didn't qualify for the channel.

For the people on this forum, this was always a Non-issue. The typical DISH Network customer doesn't even know distant networks exist, let alone care about the SuperStations. You'll be surprised how left in the dark most customers are about their service

Speaking of SuperStations, I couldn't live without them. They are a lifesaver on Wednesday nights when out local UPN affiliate shows some stupid basketball game instead of Enterprise. Its well worth the extra $3 :)

But try explaining this to a new customer, they could care less and simply don't see the value thinking they already get UPN with their local channels
Thanks for all the info. But what i'm really wondering is not about distant nets, but about my locals. Shouldn't my guide show the hartford locals only, and someone elses show their locals in the guide? After all, it's something we can sub to but can't see what's on.
I was asking this same question up to last year when I finally broke down and subscribed to my locals. When I first got Dish in July 2000 I was able to see the distant networks in red on the all channels guide. I thought it was really handy because I could watch the LA nets OTA and use Dish as a program guide. When that went away I stomped my feet for awhile but later realised that I was getting a service that I wasn't paying for. I figured that $4.99/mo (now $5.99/mo) wasn't too bad even if just for the conveniance of having the program info in the guide. Now I don't even watch my locals OTA anymore. My wife used to tell me that the antenna was good enough but now she complains that the picture is too "static-ey" compared to the satellite. She is hooked now too!

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