Cancelled Dish Network


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 28, 2006
Robinson, Illinois, United States
No this isn't another one of those, "I'm leaving, blah blah," threads. I have a legitimate question.

I cancelled Dish Network and had credit card autopay. I cancelled autopay before I cancelled, but should I claim the card as stolen and get a new one to ensure that no money is taken out? The card is actually my debit card linked to my checking account.

I've seen horror stories from people being charged a huge fee even though the equipment had been returned to Dish Network.

I just want to ensure they don't have access to my checking account.
No this isn't another one of those, "I'm leaving, blah blah," threads. I have a legitimate question.

I cancelled Dish Network and had credit card autopay. I cancelled autopay before I cancelled, but should I claim the card as stolen and get a new one to ensure that no money is taken out? The card is actually my debit card linked to my checking account.

I've seen horror stories from people being charged a huge fee even though the equipment had been returned to Dish Network.

I just want to ensure they don't have access to my checking account.

When I concelled Dish several years ago, in the course of a protracted long distance move, Dish cancelled Autopay immediately upon my scheduling of the service cancellation, so I had to send them a check for any charges after my notification to cancel. Based on that, I doubt they will use Autopay to complete your final transactions, but for peace of mind, you may want to block them from access. Isn't it possible to selectively block Dish from access, rather than have to report the card as stolen, and have a new one issued?

To each his own, of course, but I'm paranoid about giving anyone direct access to my checking account, except for a couple of trusted public utillities, my grocery and mortgage company.
No this isn't another one of those, "I'm leaving, blah blah," threads. I have a legitimate question.

I cancelled Dish Network and had credit card autopay. I cancelled autopay before I cancelled, but should I claim the card as stolen and get a new one to ensure that no money is taken out? The card is actually my debit card linked to my checking account.

I've seen horror stories from people being charged a huge fee even though the equipment had been returned to Dish Network.

I just want to ensure they don't have access to my checking account.

I was never on autopay, but I had been using the same credit card to pay my bill online each and every month. I entered in my credit card information each month to make my payment, but nevertheless, they MUST have kept my card number on file. When I canceled, I had a $23 credit on my account and they credited the card I never "put on file" but used multiple times. So obviously they kept my card number. They credited me like immediately, even before I sent the boxes back.

I didn't cancel my credit card but it is just a credit card and not linked to my checking account. In your case, I would go through the trouble of having your bank issuing you a new card and reporting that thing lost. You never know what kind of stunt Dish might pull. Just keep in mind it will be a pain in the butt if you have other items on autopay that you have to change over to a new checking account card number.
Ok, that's what I thought. I'll report the card as lost. I don't have any other items on autopay, that was the only 1, so I'm good as far as that, and I can live without it for a few weeks while they issue me a new one. Thanks for the reply, guys.
Ok, that's what I thought. I'll report the card as lost. I don't have any other items on autopay, that was the only 1, so I'm good as far as that, and I can live without it for a few weeks while they issue me a new one. Thanks for the reply, guys.

Why not just tell your bank the truth and see what they recommend? I'm pretty sure you'd be pissed if you found out your bank lied to you.

I'll report the card as lost.

That's a little bit drastic for something that may not even happen.

If they do charge your card ... dispute the charge with your bank/credit card provider. But there is a very high possibility that the process will work and everything will be just fine.

Once you get the boxes to return the equipment (it should arrive within a week or so - i just had a return of a receiver and the box was on my doorstep in around 5 days) make a note of the tracking number - once you see that the device has gotten there give them a call to confirm and ask them to make a note on your account and ensure that the account has now been closed down.

I'm sure for every nightmare you read here - there are thousands of returns and cancellations where the monster does not go on a rampage with stolen credit cards.

So are you canceling before your commitment is up and are trying to get out of paying what you still owe?
If you are then you owe dish the money left if you cancel. If you are on a third party agreement thru a retailer, then you also owe them the money if you cancel.
It's your credit if you cancel and don't pay either one, but that is your choice. But if you have completed your commitment and return your equipment and make sure you keep your tracking numbers, then even if Dish mistakenly takes the money, you have a leg to stand on to get it back.
So are you canceling before your commitment is up and are trying to get out of paying what you still owe?
If you are then you owe dish the money left if you cancel. If you are on a third party agreement thru a retailer, then you also owe them the money if you cancel.
It's your credit if you cancel and don't pay either one, but that is your choice. But if you have completed your commitment and return your equipment and make sure you keep your tracking numbers, then even if Dish mistakenly takes the money, you have a leg to stand on to get it back.

First of all... he never mentioned he was breaking his commitment.

Second of all.. it is highly known that Dish often doesn't scan your receivers in within the 30 days and you end up getting hit with paying for the receiver(s). They are a big company and make mistakes. You can call and straighten it out and have the charges reversed, but when you are dealing with your checking account and the thought of dish setting off a chain reaction of NSF returns and fees because they charged you $800 and you couldn't pay your bills, it is a scary thought.

It doesn't sound like he is trying to screw them over at all. He is returning his equipment and protecting his own finances from their common mistakes. Give the guy a break.

Personally, my intentions with Dish have also been questioned on this site over the last year. Some douchebag had the nerve to tell me I was trying to steal content I was paying for in order to sell it on DVD-Rs because I was trying to record my stuff off my DVR onto DVD-R when my box was full and couldn't because of Macrovision protection. I made it clear that I was burning stuff off for my own use to watch later, but nope, I was accused of stealing to share the DVD-Rs with the world. The problem with this site is nobody takes you at your word. Too many on here automatically jump to conclusions like you did here. You automatically think he is trying to get out of a commitment and rip Dish off.

Lastly, unless he gave Dish his social security number, he could screw them over and it isn't going to touch his credit. Not that that is his intention, but you can't just put something on somebody's credit without their SS and if for some reason you slip it through onto their credit and it shows up on their credit report, it is very easy to get off. It won't hold up if you don't even have the customers SS#. But this is irrelevant, as he is not trying to screw them over.

Give a fellow satelliteguy member a break!
oh heck no. I never did have a commitment with Dish for the 2 years and 9 months I was with them. skottey hit the nail on the head. I don't owe them anything. I'm worried about them not scanning in my packages, and being charged for the 625, and then have NSF after NSF fee. Cuzz then even if they pay me back the money they incorrectly charge for the 625, I would still have potentially hundreds in NSF fees.

I'm just trying to think ahead before I get myself into financial trouble over a possible mistake (that yes, I agree, may not happen) that Dish could make.
You can report the card as lost or just ask them to cancel it and give you another one. The other thing to do is to close that bank account (I know several people have had to do that with Paypal) and re-open it with a difference account # if you're truly paranoid.
First of all... he never mentioned he was breaking his commitment.

Second of all.. it is highly known that Dish often doesn't scan your receivers in within the 30 days and you end up getting hit with paying for the receiver(s). They are a big company and make mistakes. You can call and straighten it out and have the charges reversed, but when you are dealing with your checking account and the thought of dish setting off a chain reaction of NSF returns and fees because they charged you $800 and you couldn't pay your bills, it is a scary thought.

It doesn't sound like he is trying to screw them over at all. He is returning his equipment and protecting his own finances from their common mistakes. Give the guy a break.

Personally, my intentions with Dish have also been questioned on this site over the last year. Some douchebag had the nerve to tell me I was trying to steal content I was paying for in order to sell it on DVD-Rs because I was trying to record my stuff off my DVR onto DVD-R when my box was full and couldn't because of Macrovision protection. I made it clear that I was burning stuff off for my own use to watch later, but nope, I was accused of stealing to share the DVD-Rs with the world. The problem with this site is nobody takes you at your word. Too many on here automatically jump to conclusions like you did here. You automatically think he is trying to get out of a commitment and rip Dish off.

Lastly, unless he gave Dish his social security number, he could screw them over and it isn't going to touch his credit. Not that that is his intention, but you can't just put something on somebody's credit without their SS and if for some reason you slip it through onto their credit and it shows up on their credit report, it is very easy to get off. It won't hold up if you don't even have the customers SS#. But this is irrelevant, as he is not trying to screw them over.

Give a fellow satelliteguy member a break!

First off I never said he broke his commitment, I asked him if he was. There is a difference. I can explain it to you if need be.
second of all. How did this end up being about you? Seems like a lot of the threads that you post in you try and end up making it about you when it isn't. including this one.
You might want to take your own advice and give the members a break! :rolleyes:
First off I never said he broke his commitment, I asked him if he was. There is a difference. I can explain it to you if need be.
second of all. How did this end up being about you? Seems like a lot of the threads that you post in you try and end up making it about you when it isn't. including this one.
You might want to take your own advice and give the members a break! :rolleyes:

It isn't about me. I was citing an example of the cruelness by some members on this site. I too was victim of some idiot implying that I was doing or about to do something I didn't. Your signature (quoted below) implies that you are a bleeding heart liberal, so show a little passion for others. I have to give you credit though, at least you aren't a Hillary supporter.

Change We Can Believe In
Welcome to Obama for America"
I cancelled, boxes didnt show for 4 weeks, called and found out they had been sent to the old address, they sent new ones and I sent them back now 6 weeks after cancelling and never got charged.
It isn't about me. I was citing an example of the cruelness by some members on this site. I too was victim of some idiot implying that I was doing or about to do something I didn't. Your signature (quoted below) implies that you are a bleeding heart liberal, so show a little passion for others. I have to give you credit though, at least you aren't a Hillary supporter.

Change We Can Believe In
Welcome to Obama for America"

Since you think know me and think I am a "bleeding heard liberal" (and lets make it real clear you don't jack about me!) you might want to go back and read through my post to the OP.
First, I asked whether or not he was trying to get out of his commitment. Not assuming he was. Asking if he was. (again, there is a difference).
Second, I stated that if he cancels early that he still would owe the money due. Again, no saying that because he was canceling, but if he cancels early. Again, there is a difference.
Third, I explained that it would be best to keep the tracking number for the receivers being sent back as it is easier to prove that you actually did send them back with a tracking number than without in order to be helpful to the OP.
So, where in that was I not showing even a little as you put it passion? Though I don't know the OP so I don't know how much passion I could have for him.
I am going to assume that you actually meant compassion (because there is a difference between passion and compassion) toward the OP, so lets go though this again for you. Point 1 was a question not a statement. Point 2 was an explanation not an accusation. And point 3 was a suggestion. Unless I am missing something here, I think you are way off base.
I don't want to label people, especially when you don't know them. The only thing I can think of is if Obama becomes the President, we can finally all speak to native-tongue folks when we make calls, how about that!

Oh BTW our TV bills will also go up 20% as a result of that. I am ok with that, just don't know if you are:)
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I cancelled, boxes didnt show for 4 weeks, called and found out they had been sent to the old address, they sent new ones and I sent them back now 6 weeks after cancelling and never got charged.

Good, ok. Then I won't worry so much. I'll just keep track of the tracking number and watch, and call them after it's delivered to ensure they really did get it.
Yeah you dont have to worry about changing the card, the only people that get charged are people that dont return the equipment and people that have a contract. If you dont have a contract and return equip you are good to roll.
Since you think know me and think I am a "bleeding heard liberal" ......
I am going to assume that you actually meant compassion (because there is a difference between passion and compassion) toward the OP, so lets go though this again for you.

Yes, my bad... I meant compassion... we all make mistakes, especially when we are annoyed and typing quickly. I said, "bleeding heart liberal," not "bleeding heard liberal" as you quoted me, but you make mistakes too.

You are right that I don't "KNOW" you through and through, but since you went as far as to stamp your political opinions as a signature on a totally irrelevant message board, says a lot about you. You probably have an Obama sign in your yard and a bumper sticker on your car as well. I think it is fair to say you vote democrat and as an Obama (or Hillary) supporter, you are a liberal. My calling you out on this would make one fairly assume that I am a Republican. I am not a McCain supporter, but I am a Republican. I don't normally talk about it here but of course was annoyed to see your signature and decided to say something.

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