CES Adds DISH’s Hopper with Sling as “Best of Show” - Dumps CNET from giving awards

After further destroying their image with this embarrassment, I fear that CBS will never allow them to carry their signal again once the agreement runs out (even if 13% of their viewers disappear).

And I for one would not even care. What do I watch my CBS affiliate for? The news. Since there is no journalistic integrity left at CBS, then I won't be watching CBS, period. I say, "Dump CBS if they want to charge a dime for retransmission." If they declare "must carry", then OK. ;) But I still won't watch them until Les Moonvies and his minions are all gone from CBS.
Note to Editors: The official name of the global technology event is “International CES.” Subsequent references to the show can be shortened to “2013 CES” or “CES".

But not to "2012 CES" nor "2010 CES". :D :D :D Don't feel bad Scott; you did a great job as always and we all make mistakes. What year is this anyway? :D
Note to Editors: The official name of the global technology event is “International CES.” Subsequent references to the show can be shortened to “2013 CES” or “CES.” Please do not use “Consumer Electronics Show” to refer to the International CES.
The acronym CES stands for what, again?
Considering the CNET debacle, and other clumsy attempts since, I just can't think of them as anything but the Can't Be Sensible network.

Never watch 'em anyway.
Just like KFC doesn't want to be referred to as "Kentucky Fried Chicken". What does it stand for again? :)
Like now...NBC stands for Comcast, ABC stands for Disney, CBS stands for Couldn't Be Stupider for (Consumer Electronics Show).
Generally the larger the Corporations get the more they stifle innovation and competition. The consolidation of the Entertainment and Communication industries has been bad for the consumer.

WoW just WoW!

*makes note to get extra popcorn to watch as this continues to unfold*
I truly feel sorry for the CNET staff. They were stuck in the middle between orders from the folks who sign their paychecks and their journalistic integrity. CBS should never have put them in that position.

I'm glad that Walter Cronkite isn't here to see the network that he created. I wonder what he would say.

This will truly make a great journalism school debate topic.
I agree, it took them long enough!

What makes me sad is I was invited by the DISH execs to go with them to the CNET awards and see them accept the award (if they won it) in person. I would have loved to see them get the award and see their smiles and pride as they deserved it.

Instead what I got was to start walking with them to CNET... when we got word they were disqualified. :( I thought some of the guys were going to cry. :(

Knowing how Dish employees are abused, winning those awards probably would have made those guys' year. :(
I bet the Verge with their legion of 60 tech reporters will get it next year. That Joshua Topolsky is insane I tell you!

You know what's also funny is that this whole ordeal is putting the Hopper with Sling out there in front of everyone. If CBS's lawyers and Les Moneybags wanted to keep the product off the radar, it sure back fired on them! How many people really care who CNET gives Best of CES to besides a small minority of the tech sphere? Now it's making headlines on every tech blog and entertainment website!
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What external hard drive?

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