CE's for the Weekend of 3.11

HR24-100. When playing back a recorded program from the DVR, progress bar does not disappear on it's own after using 30 second skip. Only hitting "exit" clears it.
Is anyone else having issues getting the CE's? I have tried several times, during the time period, over the last 3 weeks and all I get is the NR (0459). 2x HR24 1x HR23. Any thoughts?
HR24-100. When playing back a recorded program from the DVR, progress bar does not disappear on it's own after using 30 second skip. Only hitting "exit" clears it.
This is super annoying, as it the screen you get after pressing Guide just once. That screen should come on the second guide press.
Yep, many times. The last one I was able to get successfully was right before the last NR at the end of February.
I had this same thing happen to me. It is because for some reason, the release was not available until like 11:20 Est. I downloaded too early on Friday, and it deleted all my timers :-( and it took me one failed attempt Saturday at 11:15 to do it. It actually froze in the middle, which I assume was because they switched from the National Release version to the CE version during the download. I rebooted, and as soon as I tried, I got the current CE version. I think from now on, I am going to wait until midnight to try downloading....
Thats interesting, I didn't have any issues with the D/L this week on my HR24 and HR20 ...
I normally wait till about 5 after to start, just to be sure.
If you watch the d/l , it will search and tell you what the new d/l version is, if it's not the new, abort the d/l and wait a few minutes or check on the boards, sometimes the d/l is late, but not lately.
HR24-100. When playing back a recorded program from the DVR, progress bar does not disappear on it's own after using 30 second skip. Only hitting "exit" clears it.

Just checked a new recording a since the Friday CE and the progress bar came up and went away as usual.
This is super annoying, as it the screen you get after pressing Guide just once. That screen should come on the second guide press.

Check in your menu to make sure your setting didn't get changed somehow.
You should get the guide after the 1st press of the Guide button, not the Categories.

Menu-Set Up- System Set Up-Display- Preferences-Guide Shows- Grid Guide First/ not Categories first.
Check in your menu to make sure your setting didn't get changed somehow.
You should get the guide after the 1st press of the Guide button, not the Categories.

Menu-Set Up- System Set Up-Display- Preferences-Guide Shows- Grid Guide First/ not Categories first.

Thanks a million. That is exactly what it was.