Chances of winning a signal test


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
Cedar Springs, MI
Guys, I am trying to get a waiver for CBS-HD with D* because my local HD station has a poor signal. I requested a waiver and I am supposidly served by three stations which I need waivers from. When I requested waivers through DIRECTV all 3 denied me waivers. I called the individual stations and 2 of the 3 including my local DMA station granted me a waiver. The 3rd is a Young Broadcasting owned station which is 67 miles away and I can't get a good analog signal and I can't get much of a digital signal either with a very large antenna, pre-amp and rotor. However they refuse to grant a waiver. I understand my only option is to request a signal test with D* and have them test for analog 6 (even though it's HD I want). Do you think my chances are good to win?

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