Channel 100


Original poster
Aug 27, 2005
How can I block access to channel 100?

I have 2 young kids and they mistakenly keep ordering the games off of this channel and I keep getting a $5.00 downgrade charge for something that cannot be blocked. The kids are 3 & 5 just pushing buttons on the remote and customer services says there is nothing I can do to prevent this.

Can anyone here provide advice that is not harmful to the little ones?

system is locked but not work on channel 100. If you go to the channel and select one on the icons at the bottom of the screen it loads up without stating there is a charge for this feature.
I tried to lock out channel 100 but when I select lock channel on the menu screen 100 is not an option it only displays a few channels that can be locked.
And if they hit the dish home button it would go there anyway. Let me mess around with the locks when I get home and see if I can figure out a way to lock this feature. What box are you using?
On my receiver when I lock Channel 100 it will not go there. Not even with the silver interactive button.. I have a 622. And when it's locked Dish Interactive can not be accessed.
I have a 522 and a 322 box.

All help on locking the channel will be appreciated. Skyviewmark can you provide me with the details on locking the channel.

I have a 522 and a 322 box.

All help on locking the channel will be appreciated. Skyviewmark can you provide me with the details on locking the channel.


There was nothing special about the lock..

Went to Locks on the main menu..
Went to Channel Locks on the Locks Menu
Went through the list of channels and selected all the channels I wanted locked out.

Then I hit the Hide locked button on the locks menu..

Then finally I hit the Lock System, put in password and all locked channels disapeared .

Hope that helps, although that is just the standard way to lock out channels.

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