charlie chat

the 900 series receivers appear doomed.

921, anyone remember that?

922 is obsolete before the features even got working...

maybe 923 shouldnt be used?

in any case your only as good as your manager....

any manager who gets on live tv impaired in any way, well how good will they run the company?
Has anyone ever thought that the 922 really is not "underpowered" but that they simply want us to spend more money on a second box to get GoogleTV? If they " added" GoogleTV as a software update they could just charge for the service itself . This way both Dish/Echostar and Google get a cut for us paying for new hardware.
Never ever never never buy new tech when it first comes out. You must resist the temptation. Let others work the bugs out, and make sure that it is a good product.
the 900 series receivers appear doomed.

921, anyone remember that?

922 is obsolete before the features even got working...

maybe 923 shouldnt be used?

in any case your only as good as your manager....

any manager who gets on live tv impaired in any way, well how good will they run the company?

Now hold on there, let's not all jump the gun on if the 922 is dead already just because there's question possible feature that wasn't even heard of until after the box was released will eventually be added to the box. No where in any of the 922's promotional information ever has said anything about built-in GoogleTV. And also to take what Charlie said as a "leak" of a future product is reading too much into what he said.

If you look at the demos of the GoogleTV box and how snappy the interface is, you could tell that with everything else the 922 does in the background that it was going to be asking a lot for DISH to put GoogleTV software on the existing hardware. If you read into the GoogleTV announcements you'll see that Intel is a partner in making the hardware and supplying the chips for Logitech's product that will be released in the coming months. That should give you some kind of indication as to what's needed to run the system well. I'll be honest, I don't want DISH to shoehorn GoogleTV into something that wasn't designed to run it. The hardware spec for the 922, which was probably something that was determined two years ago or more, can only do so much. All that's going to do is put a bad taste in people's mouths over a product they were most likely skeptical that they even need.

Unless we heard from either DISH directly or through Scott that the additional features that have been demoed and talked about like the free streaming to iPad, the apps framework, or anything else that has been mentioned are dead. Then you can start raising hell over the 922 being a dead end product.

So what I take away from Charlie's answer to the question is that despite the surveys that have been sent out to subscribers. DISH doesn't have any GoogleTV hardware plans for the immediate future. What that tells me is that I can go into Best Buy when the Logitech Revue box is released to store shelves and take it home knowing that it can integrate into my existing DISH network system.

I think eventually DISH will integrate the GoogleTV software into a box that can handle it. By then I would have probably got my use out of the Logitech box that it would be time for an upgrade. But until the software is heavily optimized in the 922... we ain't seeing it.
Has anyone ever thought that the 922 really is not "underpowered" but that they simply want us to spend more money on a second box to get GoogleTV? If they " added" GoogleTV as a software update they could just charge for the service itself . This way both Dish/Echostar and Google get a cut for us paying for new hardware.

I think it is underpowered. For the most part the hardware is very similar to a 722K. The graphical overlays and responsiveness of the GTV demo's would suggest that it is running on reasonably fast Intel chips. I don't think the SoC in the 722K/922 could handle this functionality.
These always make Charlie look stupid (if he isn't already) the other guy knows more what's going on. Charlie looks dumbfounded and the other guy is like yeah we just did this or launched this.
Well evidently "the other guy" makes $300.00 per hour as he said we could pay our bill for the month with 20 minutes of work.
Most bills are prob around 100.00 per month so.....:D
Charlie chats is just funny! Always has been, probably and I hope it always will be. It sure beats the information shows I got on DirecTV or Comcast. Do any who have that service even know who is first and second in command of the company?

If they did the show completely scripted you all would be spending 7 pages of threads complaining that the show was too slick and just another commercial. As it is, Charlie chats is just as the name implies, Charlie CHATS. Most of you all can't spell the third word in a sentence of 3 words correctly so stop being so hyper critical of a very loosely done show intended to be a chit chat format.

Obviously, I find the CC show entertaining and don't take it so serious. However, I would like to just send in my 20 minute pay check which is all he said I should be paying. :D

As for the leak on the 923 because the 922 can't do what it was originally said to do... How long have you all been with Dish Network? Ever since I recall Dish announces new equipment intentions, not capabilities well in advance. When it's released, you buy what you get and anyone who expects it will do more will be thoroughly disappointed. With the competition, you never know what they are up to as they simply don't talk about it. If you prefer that then move to the competitor that offers no entertaining live shows from the CEO's, and no glimpses of what's to come and doesn't even show up at CES but still manages to charge you your whole paycheck for NFLST in HD and then games are still blacked out. At least the blackout games here on Dish Network's NFL RED ZONE are not blacked out.

I have one suggestion for all those who hate Dish and keep coming back here- If you don't like what they offer, move on. Please don't come back. Bob Haller- you spend way too much time hanging around the Dish Network threads after you chose to leave. What's your purpose? Go hang out on the Fios threads or Netflix, wherever you ended up. Or is TV there just too boring and you miss Dish Network so much? I bet its the latter. Dish Network is so much fun, we Dish subscribers have so much fun you just have to keep coming back every day to see what you are missing. I think you suffer cancellation remorse. And this goes for the rest of you who made the respectable decision to leave what you didn't like. But geeze, cut the friggin umbilical and enjoy your new home. All I can say is if you keep coming back here after leaving Dish Network, you are really sorry you left and wish you could reconsider your bad decision to leave. Those who left and no longer post here, I'd say you all were sincere, meant business, and have found what makes you happy.

Excellent post!.+1.:)
I have one suggestion for all those who hate Dish and keep coming back here- If you don't like what they offer, move on. Please don't come back. Bob Haller- you spend way too much time hanging around the Dish Network threads after you chose to leave. What's your purpose? Go hang out on the Fios threads or Netflix, wherever you ended up. Or is TV there just too boring and you miss Dish Network so much? I bet its the latter. Dish Network is so much fun, we Dish subscribers have so much fun you just have to keep coming back every day to see what you are missing. I think you suffer cancellation remorse. And this goes for the rest of you who made the respectable decision to leave what you didn't like. But geeze, cut the friggin umbilical and enjoy your new home. All I can say is if you keep coming back here after leaving Dish Network, you are really sorry you left and wish you could reconsider your bad decision to leave. Those who left and no longer post here, I'd say you all were sincere, meant business, and have found what makes you happy.

Has anyone ever thought that the 922 really is not "underpowered" but that they simply want us to spend more money on a second box to get GoogleTV? If they " added" GoogleTV as a software update they could just charge for the service itself . This way both Dish/Echostar and Google get a cut for us paying for new hardware.

I don't think the 922 is necessarily "underpowered" for what it does now. The UI can be really snappy most of the time, but start asking the box to Sling content while recording a program or two and it does start to hitch up a bit. My 722 never did anything like that. If the 922 is having a hard enough time multitasking now, just imagine what it would be like doing everything it does now AND overlay a full Chrome browser including Flash.

I have one suggestion for all those who hate Dish and keep coming back here- If you don't like what they offer, move on. Please don't come back.

Thank you for saying out loud exactly what I was thinking.
Oh yes it looks like we who got the 922"flagship"receiver will get hosed again. It is the 921 all over again. So now if you want the integrated google experience with the receiver you will have to upgrade to the 923 non existent dvr. What a crock of sh*t ! I should of stayed with the 722k and saved myself a lot of money and heartache. The 922 has been a troublesome receiver that sometimes will sling and most of the time will not. The playon application is the same problems with sometimes working and more than not it won't. So IF you want google with the 922 you will have to buy a separate box and then of course that will cost you a new monthly GOOGLE fee . I am totally disgusted with DISH right now.
Never ever never never buy new tech when it first comes out. You must resist the temptation. Let others work the bugs out, and make sure that it is a good product.

This is very true. I do not feel bad for the people that feel they need to rush things right away and buy them. Most times it is best to wait it out. I happen to have a 922, but thats because I was a beta tester and it didn't cost me anything to get it. I love my 922. I haven't got into the sling stuff too much so that hasn't bothered me, but I do love the hard drive capacity.
Charlie does not want to spend the money. Not compelling content, I guess....... ;)

Old timers on this site will get the joke. New guys, ........

can i do this?

Broadband, advantage

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