Cheap refurb 501s on EBay - why?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
Moreno Valley, CA
Does anyone know why all the refurb 501s are being dumped on EBay right now? They are going pretty cheap too. Is there anything wrong with them (other than being refurbs of course!).
Don't count on the warranty, I tried to add a quad LNB that I purchased off Ebay and Dish would not put it on, they said it had to come from an authorized reseller to be covered in the warranty program.
So in other words, if the product is transferred from an authorized retailer then it will be eligible to have a warranty if put on an account that has a warranty, otherwise if you buy a used product/receiver from an individual they can say that they will not cover that specific device?
I bought a nice Dish 508 on ebay refurbed and I love the unit. It had a 90 day warranty from the seller and is a great little DVR box. AND it doesn't incur the monthly DVR fees associated with the 510/721 and other newer DVR boxes. I'm pleased as punch.

Use your 921 with a SA TIVO

If you have an RV waiver do you get CBS-HD?

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