Christmas Traditions

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Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
May 22, 2004
Since it's that time of year again, I was curious what some of our members not so ordinary Christmas traditions are.

I'll start:

Gotta watch Rudolph claymation special a couple times
Watch A Christmas Story (the TBS 24 hours of)
National Lampoons Christmas vacation (pretty much for me)
Prepare our holiday mexican bean dip with Fritos Corn chips(just a family tradition since I can remember).
Get together with extended family for a day of sledding and snowball fights.
Lets see:

- Advent stocking for my son, with a small gift (often part of a puzzle, or something like that) every day of Advent

- Italian pastries (always my grandmother's cannoli growing up) and way too many sweets

- For many years, Christmas season meant my grandmother's homemade italian sauce with calamari. But about five years ago or so we made it, and had a bad batch of calamari -- and it kind of did in the tradition. :)

- My wife makes French Canadian meat pie every christmas.
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