Class Action Lawsuit against Dish for Dropping Voom?

I am not saying there arent subs that really really want Voom back, that is obvious, however MOST of the outcry here (and some other sites) comes from the same few members.
Same thing should be said about SciFi HD, USA HD, and Speed HD. Same people month after month. We've been whining about Voom for only two weeks and 3 days at this point....
Same thing should be said about SciFi HD, USA HD, and Speed HD. Same people month after month. We've been whining about Voom for only two weeks and 3 days at this point....
Thats very true, I am not criticizing really (although I do think the lawsuit Idea is silly)
The courts already decided in EchoStar's favor. That is exactly what prompted Charlie to remove the first 10 channels. Voom's "all-or-nothing" response resulted in the removal of the remaining 5. Why is this so hard to comprehend?
No, the courts have not decided this at all. All they have so far said is that E* may move Voom into a higher HD Tier.
I would agree that no one is forced to read posts lamenting the absence of VOOM. But this is a public forum and if you post things you will get responses some of which will be unfavorable to you.

Just as an example I recently posted my interpretation about what is going on with the superstations. i wound up with several emails telling me that I am dead wrong. Most were nice and sharing conversations with people at varius levels of Echostar who convinced them that something different is true. When i shared my conversations with people at Echostar those folks wound up saying that they are confused and frankly after listening to them i am too. But a few folks were a bit more strident. i don't like that but hey it goes with the territory when you post. You can't just dismiss the expression of contrary points of view as a lack of self control on the other guy's part.
No, the courts have not decided this at all. All they have so far said is that E* may move Voom into a higher HD Tier.

True that. All we have right now is ruling on a motion for a temporary injunction. That ruling is not even a decsion in the case and in spite of the name the Supreme Court of NY is not the highest court there. Even after a decision there could bea n appeal.

I'm sure there is some attorney out there looking for some work, or extra money. I'm really not sure why you would want to do this though, even if there was any ground to stand on for this (which I don't see any at all... I guess I'm a Zombie) most of the money would go to the attorneys and very little would go toward each of the individual dish subs. Baby Voomers... it's time to grow up already and let this be what it is..... Yes, it sucks we lost some channels.. but are we really owed any money because of that? (BTW...Does your TV still work without VOOM?) :shhplease.

Besides....... there is already a court process going on for E* & Voom..... let them finish it and then decide what happens in the end.

I just think it is silly to read a thread title of a Class Action Lawsuit against E* for removing VOOM. In fact, go ahead.. follow up with it, maybe we will finally be able to hear the truth of why VOOM was really removed (or removed itself). Of course, that is going to take some time....(SOON) and I doubt many will really care about it anymore by that time.
If you spent $2000 on a tv in order to watch Voom, that's kinda sad. Maybe even borderline pathetic. Afterall, an HDTV can be used to watch HD DVD's , or for video games.GET OVER IT!!! Move on! She doesn't love you anymore! Disregard that last line.

The legal system is bogged down with frivolous lawsuits. Anyone can be sued for anything. Maybe I'll start a class action lawsuit against people that complain and whine about Voom channels. They were so hidden away in the 9000's anyway, who could ever remember to look there anyways.
My biggest question would be what do you have to gain with a class action lawsuit? Putting the Voom channels back up? I wouldn't think there is any way ANY court would interfere with how a business chooses to operate in regards to what channels that want to carry or not. So in my opinion the only thing to be gained is some type of monetary compensation. If the only leg to stand on in regards to possibly winning any class-action suit is that E* did not give appropriate notice to their customers about the removal of the channels, then we're talking about maybe a $5 (and likely even less than that) customer credit on their account for the let's say 30 days that they should have given to notify people in case they wanted to drop the package and save the money knowing the channels would be gone.

I have never seen a class-action lawsuit that restored something that was lost. The only result of any class action lawsuit is monetary damages and as many have stated here, the resulting awards have been so insignificant that many who are entitled to the award don't even bother filling out the paperwork. But the idea that a lawsuit would force a company to restore something that the company has already deemed either unprofitable or not in their best interest to continue to provide (and make no mistakes....this is a SERVICE. E*, D*, Cable Companies and TV Stations do this to turn a profit. If they can turn a higher profit and generate greater revenues even at the expense of losing a few customers, they will do in a heartbeat.) seems rather ludicrous to me.
Your user agreement states that "Programming is subject to change without notice" and you agreed to this ageement when you got installed.

And again while I don't want to rehash things again, it was VOOM who ultimately removed themself off of Dish.

This is false Scott. Voom did not remove themselves. All official statements and actions are to the contrary. You may argue they should have bent over for Dish and dropped their lawsuit against Echostar at best. You're beating a dead horse on this one.

As to the first point, Dish has certain latitude in offerings of course but under Federal and State consumer laws they cannot make changes which degrade or diminish the contracted level of service. They may alter and substitute for things in kind. Dish however can't sell a package today and then tomorrow radically reduce the quality and quantity without compensation. There are arguable degrees but this "agreement" reference is not a wide open unilateral contractual point in favor of the provider.
This is false Scott. Voom did not remove themselves. All official statements and actions are to the contrary. You may argue they should have bent over for Dish and dropped their lawsuit against Echostar at best. You're beating a dead horse on this one.

As to the first point, Dish has certain latitude in offerings of course but under Federal and State consumer laws they cannot make changes which degrade or diminish the contracted level of service. They may alter and substitute for things in kind. Dish however can't sell a package today and then tomorrow radically reduce the quality and quantity without compensation. There are arguable degrees but this "agreement" reference is not a wide open unilateral contractual point in favor of the provider.

I suggest that you read the thread as a whole. there has been considerable discussion about what they can and can't do in the way of making package changes.

The issue of who actually removed VOOM is another matter.
Voom did not spend the required levels on programming. They packed overhead charges into the required hundred million and didn't get away with it. Court leans toward Dish. Injunction to force actions on Dish's part denied.

And actually, Dish can diminish programming without compensation, because we all agreed to it. Read the postings in the thread on this, quoting word for word the agreements. Especially since there was a net increase in the number of channels provided.

Let's be sure to blame Dish for the lack of genuine HD on the HD channels. Certainly, the providers shouldn't be held responsible! :rolleyes:
Voom did not spend the required levels on programming. They packed overhead charges into the required hundred million and didn't get away with it. Court leans toward Dish. Injunction to force actions on Dish's part denied.

And actually, Dish can diminish programming without compensation, because we all agreed to it. Read the postings in the thread on this, quoting word for word the agreements. Especially since there was a net increase in the number of channels provided.

Let's be sure to blame Dish for the lack of genuine HD on the HD channels. Certainly, the providers shouldn't be held responsible! :rolleyes:

I could be mistaken but I think that what he is saying is that DISH made the decision to terminate the agreement not VOOM. That is is a separate isisue from whether they had the right to do so because of the alleged breach by VOOM.
Dish took off ten channels, wanted to keep the top 5. Voom said "all or nothing". Dish said no. Voom said "bye bye."
I think both sides are mad at each other, but Dish has the upper hand and Voom needs to realize this and say ok well you can have atleast 8 of the channels or something like that, or they may go out of business this year.
Dish took off ten channels, wanted to keep the top 5. Voom said "all or nothing". Dish said no. Voom said "bye bye."

that's the same thing i believe but if someone here knows more than you and I about what actually happened that's scott. from what he reported on team summit it sounds like the decision by Dish made sense to the people in that room. the rest of us have no clue about the details but what i grab from what scott said they should have a plan in place that the rest of us don't know about. the not knowing is what really annoys people.
I am in no way trying to say that I specifically bought a $2,000 tv because of Dish. I am saying once I had that $2k TV, I wanted to watch the best possible HD available

The best possible HD available is in the form of bluray or HD-DVD. Go buy a bluray player and start a movie collection if you are such a big movie fan and want the best possible HD.

big props to Dish email

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