Class Action Lawsuit For 811 Owners!

HD Kurt

Original poster
Feb 22, 2004
This is a poll.

Of the current 811 owners, would you be willing to join a class action lawsuit against Dish for not providing a product that functions properly and as advertised?

I understand that the current owners that have another receiver don't mind waiting for the fixes, but for owners like me that either have an 811 receiver or two 811's like I do, this box is a real piece of work if you know what I mean. I've been waiting for these fixes for three months now, and the ones that have me PO'd are the Dark SD Picture, the check switch satellite loss problem, and the 2-Day programming guide.

I asked them to either let me out of my 1 year committment or give me a discount on some other programming like my locals, HD Package, extra receiver fee that I pay extra for. I told them they should give me a discount until they fix the problems, then they can charge me full price again. Here is the answer I received! Please be patient with us as we are working on the problems. What the h--l kind of answer is that?
Lawyers are the only winners

Petemc11 said:
Good luck.The most you would get is your money back that you paid for the 811,less lawyer fees.

I received a $2.00 check in the mail a couple of weeks ago as part of a class action suit settlement that I didn't even know I was a part of.

I assume the lawyers got a bigger check than that.

NO! The lawyers would get a fat wallet and you might get a $50 voucher to trade towards a 921 or some other LAME settlement. This isn't going to get the 811 fixed any sooner.

I am nolonger an 811 owner or Dish customer, the POS quality of the 811 caused me to switch providers. So if you're looking for former customers, besides current, I'd be happy to join. E* needs a kick in the rear about shipping out product full of bugs and lacking features.
rad said:
I am nolonger an 811 owner or Dish customer, the POS quality of the 811 caused me to switch providers. So if you're looking for former customers, besides current, I'd be happy to join. E* needs a kick in the rear about shipping out product full of bugs and lacking features.
then why are you part of this discussion?
No need to get in an uproar about lawyers and stuff like what you will win and what you won't; this is just a poll to see how many of us are disgruntled about the 811 ownership so far. Just curious!

I got in on the free HBO/Cinemax 3 month free programming package so I have until April 15 to decide if I'm switching or not. Bills are $10/month right now for HD Package only until then; after that either they have it fixed or I'll tell them that there 1-yr committment is null and void and make a decision whether to switch providers, because I refuse to pay full retail for what we subscribed to.

So remember this is just a poll! There is no lawsuit planned or being planned!
juan said:
then why are you part of this discussion?

Because I was an owner of an 811 and lost money switching to another provider due to E*'s poor quality. As far as I know you don't need to be a current owner of a product to be able to join a class.

And Juan, since you're happy with your 811 why do you care what others are wanting to do because they aren't?
Isn't drumming up support for a lawsuit against the user agreement for this site?
What about the 921 class action? There was a post somewhere about that one, the guy was had a friend that was thinking about it.

It would be for all those who bought a 921 and the retailer did not tell them about all the bugs or missing features. Since the retailer sold it and not dish the question was would you go after the local retailer or Dish or both.

Just speculation.
Why is a lawsuit the answer? Just cancel service and move on in life. Sell your equipment and move on.
gpflepsen said:
Why is a lawsuit the answer? Just cancel service and move on in life. Sell your equipment and move on.

Why not? Echostar loves to sue folks when they have something done to them that they don't like, why isn't turnabout fair play?

My main reason would be that something needs to be done about E* ALWAYS sending out new hardware loaded with bugs and the biggest reason I have, advertised features missing.

How would you like it if you purchased a new car. Now you didn't go surfing the internet first but just took the dealers word for things. You sign the paperwork and start to drive off. You sales slip says that you have a four speed automatic transmission and the instruction manual goes into great lenghts about how to work it. You get in your car and drive off and find out that it only goes into 1st gear, if you want any other gear you need to manually shift the transmission to that gear. You go right back to the dealer, tell him the problem and after spending a couple of hours on the phone with Detriot they come back and say there's a software problem with the computer that runs the transmission. They knew about the problem but they were told to ship the car out anyway. Don't worry through, a new software upgrade will come out to fix that problem. When we don't know, just sometime in the future. OK, will you take my care back, no it's yours, live with the problem.

Now if there weren't lemom laws you can get the car dealer/manufacture would be in court for selling a product like this. But when it comes to E* folks appear to have come to expect a substandard product and are willing to put up with E*'s garbage. Maybe some of us are fed up with business practices like this and want to send a word to Charlie and the gang to wake up and stop this cr*p. On another thread, someone posted that Charlie's worth like 15 ot 16 BILLION dollars, take 1 billion of that and higher some new/additonal/good EE's and software designers and start to put out products that work as advertised out of the box. No more of this give us a few or more months to give you what your purchased garbage.
The 811 is the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I just moved and thought it would be a great time to switch to D*.

I ordered an 811 on Dec. 5th (debit card was charged before I got off the phone wit the CSR) and didn't get installed until early February. That alone left a very bad taste in my mouth. There really is no debating the fact that the 811 is a receiver that needs numerous firmware downloads to fix all of it's "issues". The most annoying for me anyway is the dreaded searching for satellite signal message when guide is pressed while viewing a local digital station. Something that has never even been resolved on the 6000. I wouldn't be suprised if it take E* a year or two to fix all the problems the 811 has. Or if they even can and ever will be fixed.

Should we bring E* into litigation over this? I say no. Cancel your account, pay your final bill, sell your equipment on Ebay and move on. I know I'm a lot happier now.
What do you get if you have 50 lawyers buried up to their necks in sand?

.. not enough sand.

A Class action lawsuit? Just get your money back, you have 60 days if you paid by credit card.. Federal Law. If you're that upset about it, you need a hobby.

Seriously, I've seen 811's work wonderfully for some customers... I don't think you'll have any luck with a lawsuit.
Greg johnson said:
The 811 is the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I just moved and thought it would be a great time to switch to D*.

I ordered an 811 on Dec. 5th (debit card was charged before I got off the phone wit the CSR) and didn't get installed until early February. That alone left a very bad taste in my mouth. There really is no debating the fact that the 811 is a receiver that needs numerous firmware downloads to fix all of it's "issues". The most annoying for me anyway is the dreaded searching for satellite signal message when guide is pressed while viewing a local digital station. Something that has never even been resolved on the 6000. I wouldn't be suprised if it take E* a year or two to fix all the problems the 811 has. Or if they even can and ever will be fixed.

Should we bring E* into litigation over this? I say no. Cancel your account, pay your final bill, sell your equipment on Ebay and move on. I know I'm a lot happier now.

Greg.. you might want to go back and look at your bills. You might find that you were credited $149/199 on your programming to make up for the debit charge. I thought I was doubled dipped and found that not to be the case.

Anyway.. good luck with D*
Most lawsuits of this type only enrich lawyers and don't do squat for resolving the actual issue or they make it worse. Every Class action I've read about in the past several years, the participants get diddly and the lawyers get thousands or millions and the company has to charge us more for the privelege of having had to defend itself against the litigation.

While this doesn't mean that sometimes a lawsuit is not necessary to resolve a problem. I've yet to see one that actually did some good that related to consumer electronics..
The problem with class action lawsuits is the only people who get compensated are the TRIAL LAWYERS.

The people who are damaged usually receive pennys.

Is it better to wait?

Finally, I’m through feeding the pig

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