Clock on H3 a minute slow?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 2, 2016
Birmingham, AL
I've noticed in the last week my clock on my Hopper 3 is about 1 minute slow. Comparing it to the time on my iPhone and my wife's iPhone and my computer (all reading the same time, H3 is a minute behind.) I assume the H3 gets it time from some source the same way the phones and computer do, and I'm not finding a place to set the time on the H3.

Am I the only one on this? Don't want shows to start or end too soon!

I've noticed in the last week my clock on my Hopper 3 is about 1 minute slow. Comparing it to the time on my iPhone and my wife's iPhone and my computer (all reading the same time, H3 is a minute behind.) I assume the H3 gets it time from some source the same way the phones and computer do, and I'm not finding a place to set the time on the H3.

Am I the only one on this? Don't want shows to start or end too soon!

Both my Hopper 3s run about 20 seconds slower compared to my smart phone.
I've noticed in the last week my clock on my Hopper 3 is about 1 minute slow. Comparing it to the time on my iPhone and my wife's iPhone and my computer (all reading the same time, H3 is a minute behind.) I assume the H3 gets it time from some source the same way the phones and computer do, and I'm not finding a place to set the time on the H3.

Am I the only one on this? Don't want shows to start or end too soon!

I noticed this once on an original Hopper with the old UI, but in my case the time was off by at least two minutes. Rebooting the Hopper seemed to fix it, though.
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I would keep a good eye on your timers too. Sometimes the timer schedule can get a little out of wack after the time change.
In the 19 years I’ve been a Dish customer I’ve not lost one timer due to Daylight Time. Now there has always been future time inaccuracies until we actually get to Sunday.
The delay's not coming from the transmit time (due to distance) to the satellite and back. That should be less than 0.56 seconds. The delay is probably in some of the processing on the ground. Seems like they could allow for that and get it a lot closer to the actual time. I wonder if the video is that delayed and they are trying to keep the clock in sync with the video?

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