Club Dish and Free 811


Proud Stiff Member
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Supporting Founder
Sep 9, 2003
I called the Club Dish line since I know two or three people who might become Dish customers because of the HDTV.

Dish told me that a new customer can get a Free 811 & 301 with Club Dish, or a 811 and 2x 301s for $99. I think that the $99 is waived via a 2yr commitment.

This also of course includes Free installation.

My neighbor just signed up with one of my cards (30 minutes ago).

He paid ~$10 for an 811 and two 301s, to be installed this Saturday. He has a one year commitment to AT100 plus HBO and Cinemax, and of course the HD pak. He's getting the first three months programming free.

Hear that Charlie? ;)

Give me an Exclusive Customer 811 deal. I took away an HD Cable and Direct TV subscriber and gave him to you!
No locals here. Hell, for 20-40 bucks you can buy a new one on ebay and put it in yourself.

811 on DishNetwork Web site

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