had horrid service the last three years, probably in past becasue they knew this was coming, we do not get ESPN2 in HD and do not get any spanish channels worth a darn, horrible, no UNivision, Galavision, Telemundo, nothing, only Fox Soccer Spanish is the only decent channel. We do not get Setanta. I don;t even think we get OLN (but if you get HD which I would you get their HD game in INHD so that would at elast cover that). Do any of you have an opinion on any hope for an improvement with Comcast? I know there would be lag time from the takeover, but TW was ridiculous beyond belief. I am asking because I get DTV, love and know I can probably never get that kind of variety but I just went HD in the house and have really been jacked around by them sicne I got their HD service for some bizzare reason and hacve gotten tot the point that I have ahd enough and am basically at the point where I will either go with Dish or Comcast, whoever gives me the better deal, but I am Latino and TW had terrible spanish channels so I would not even consider cable but for Comcast just having taken over. I know I will never get a straight answer from them, so I was hoping someone here would have some insight. But I won;t even add it until ESPN2 is added anyway.