Compatibality Issues?


New Member
Original poster
Mar 7, 2004
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

I have a location that we installed a wonderfully tuned DISHPro 500 QuadLNB. Works great directly connected to a 311 receiver - passes the switch test as only 2 nodes are found.

Now here comes the problem -

We installed a 2 DP34's for this location with a dual wire comming from ports 1 & 3 on the LNB into the top 2 ports of the DP34.

The customer can now only receive 1/2 the channels he could before - and the switch test in the 311 receiver is now detecting 3 switch ports - failing #1 & #3 and passing #2 (119).

I connect a 301 to the DP34 and it passes everything fine.

The 311 was connected for over 24 hours directly to the dish and worked great before the DP34 was put in.

PLEASE HELP -- this location has the prospect for 12 receivers and really wants to have the DP34 switch rather than 3 dishes on the roof.

Thx -

Gary Goodloff
CyberStorm Wireless
Omaha, NE
Please help :(

I just need to know

1) if a dish 300 & dish 500 both need to be connected to the DP34


2) if the 311 receiver is compatible

I could be wrong but I believe the DP34 must connect to either ports 1 & 2 or ports 3 & 4 of the quad, not 1 & 3. Give that a try.

Charlie Says Merger Not out of the question.

811 Remote and Denon receiver - setup code?

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