2 entries found for compelling.
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Main Entry: com·pel·ling
Pronunciation: k&m-'pe-li[ng]
Function: adjective
: that compels : as a : FORCEFUL <a compelling personality> b : demanding attention <for compelling reasons> c : CONVINCING <no compelling evidence>
- com·pel·ling·ly adverb
So I looked up compel
2 entries found for compel.
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Main Entry: com·pel
Pronunciation: k&m-'pel
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): com·pelled; com·pel·ling
Etymology: Middle English compellen, from Middle French compellir, from Latin compellere, from com- + pellere to drive -- more at FELT
1 : to drive or urge forcefully or irresistibly
2 : to cause to do or occur by overwhelming pressure
3 archaic : to drive together
synonym see FORCE
- com·pel·la·ble /-'pe-l&-b&l/ adjective
In case you weren't too sure of the exact definition.
2 entries found for compelling.
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Main Entry: com·pel·ling
Pronunciation: k&m-'pe-li[ng]
Function: adjective
: that compels : as a : FORCEFUL <a compelling personality> b : demanding attention <for compelling reasons> c : CONVINCING <no compelling evidence>
- com·pel·ling·ly adverb
So I looked up compel
2 entries found for compel.
To select an entry, click on it.
Main Entry: com·pel
Pronunciation: k&m-'pel
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): com·pelled; com·pel·ling
Etymology: Middle English compellen, from Middle French compellir, from Latin compellere, from com- + pellere to drive -- more at FELT
1 : to drive or urge forcefully or irresistibly
2 : to cause to do or occur by overwhelming pressure
3 archaic : to drive together
synonym see FORCE
- com·pel·la·ble /-'pe-l&-b&l/ adjective
In case you weren't too sure of the exact definition.