Control 622 TV1 & TV2 by IR?


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 30, 2003
Can both TV1 & TV2 outputs of the 622 be controled by IR? I would like to send TV2 to PVR or HTPC and need channel changing to be made by IR.

Alternatively, is there another method to do this?
I'm trying to do the same thing. I have Tivo and want to be able to change channels with my Tivo remote. I have not been able to figure it out yet. If you find the fix, please post it as I'm sure there will be many others with this same issue as the 622's are installed this week.
TV2 is RF only.

Exception: in Single mode, TV1 and TV2 output the same thing, so you can use the TV1 IR remote to control TV2 output in that case.

No way to control TV2 by IR in dual mode.
That's a shame. Having the option to use IR for both sets would be a big plus from a system integration/custom installer standpoint.

Having nothing but RF for TV prevents you from using an after-market universal remote at the TV location.

Someone needs to invent and IR-to-Dish UHF converter. I'd buy one!
Thanks Pepper... That is what I thought.

If I do go with a 622, it will be used in single mode. What I want to do is send the TV2 output to my HTPC but I need the HTPC to be able to control the 622 TV2 by IR. I am a little confused how TV2 input is controled in single mode. If the 622 simply switches outputs and the channel changing IR commands remain the same, this won't work for me. If there is some other system, it may.

Can anyone enlighten me on what goes on?
Single mode simply means that the same signal goes to both outputs, and both sets of remotes control it. (you have to enable "shared view" otherwise TV2 gets nothing) So you'd just set your HTPC as if you're controlling TV1 via IR. The TV2 output to your HTPC will mirror what's on TV1, so it will work.
I did a little research on the FCC website looking for the contact at Dish that handles the UHF licensing on the remotes. I sent him an email asking when this would be implemented and this was his reply.....

"I am sorry for the delay in replying to your inquiry. Unfortunately, at this time there is not a way to control TV2 via IR – we are looking into ways to operate TV2 via IR, but there is no ETA."

jetskier said:
I did a little research on the FCC website looking for the contact at Dish that handles the UHF licensing on the remotes. I sent him an email asking when this would be implemented and this was his reply.....

"I am sorry for the delay in replying to your inquiry. Unfortunately, at this time there is not a way to control TV2 via IR – we are looking into ways to operate TV2 via IR, but there is no ETA."

Thanks JetSkier, good job...

I was hoping it was as simple as assigning different IR control sets to each output. I would like the HTPC to be able to control TV2 independently of what I am watching on TV1 (HD).
OKCrew said:
I was hoping it was as simple as assigning different IR control sets to each output. I would like the HTPC to be able to control TV2 independently of what I am watching on TV1 (HD).

You'd think this would be the case with simply changing the remote addresses, but someone mentioned that the box can't process two incoming signals at once if one person controlling TV1 sends IR at the same time TV2 is getting a signal.

Personally, I'd like to see a rear mounted box that screwed into the remote antenna and had a isolated IR receiver on the back side exclusively for TV2 control OR an internal modification. That way the front IR would be saved for TV1 control. I don't know what it entails to take an IR signal, filter it and then translate it to UHF-Pro so that the internal circuit can process it.

From the looks of this picture that Scott G took of the innards of the 622 (942 I think is similar - see photo links below), there is a card for the UHF antenna that has an output that could takes the UHF antenna output to the main board. It'd be nice if someone smarter than me investigated this component in the 622 and/or 942. Maybe it would be a simple mod to get a new connector and wire in a IR receiver/circuit directly to the main board and disable the UHF completely. It would be a nondestructive modification that could be returned to UHF by only plugging in the original connector and removing the IR circuit. What do you think. Any takers?


the photo doesn't extend far enough to see the jumper clearly.


On board jumper J21 (UHF2) 6 wires. Who the heck knows what they do.
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jrfuda said:
That's a shame. Having the option to use IR for both sets would be a big plus from a system integration/custom installer standpoint.

Having nothing but RF for TV prevents you from using an after-market universal remote at the TV location.

Someone needs to invent and IR-to-Dish UHF converter. I'd buy one!

I have been whining about this for quite a while with my 522's and was hoping they would have the sense to at least add this ability to new receivers . I have even emailed ceo@dish .

AJF said:

Oh they get it, but there isn't a huge demand for this feature. It would be such a simple thing to implement that it is frustrating. How hard would it be to add an 1/8" stereo jack (12V power, IR, Ground) to the back of a receiver that you could plug an IR receiver to? The internal circuits can't be that expensive or difficult to build.

Most people don't have whole house IR distribution or stacked DVR's so the priority is low. I read on the remote central forums that most custom installers shy away from the dual tuner boxes because they cannot utilitize IR with the high end remotes that only emit IR.

Scott G. - Can you contact any of your insiders in engineering to see if they will have a solution? Whether software or add-on box?
I have been scratching my head for the last 2 months or so (since they announced the ViP 622), and can't come up with a solution either. Same problem with same situation. I'm glad to see others with this situation (misery loves company).
There aren't any outboard boxes that will go IR to RF and not back to IR again . Most of these boxes go IR to RF back to IR to feed the component desired. I'm curious to see what happens here...
The answer I got back from Dish was that you can control it if you change from dual to single mode ! That's their answer to the problem .

I'm also glad to hear that others see this as a problem; when I've brought it up in the past, people acted like I was from another planet .

622 Audio synch still a problem...

Dish OTA Antenna

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