Controlling 501 with 811 remote via UHF


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 29, 2003
When I got my 811, I went through the exercise of changing the remote channel on my 501 so I wouldn't send remote signals to both receivers at the same time. Since the 811 isn't a PVR, I still wind up using both receivers and feeding the 501 into the back panel inputs on the 811. Is there anyway to program the 811 remote to drive the 501 off of one of its non-satellite modes? It would be particularly nice if I could still use it as a UHF remote as my receivers are not in the same room as any of my TV's.
I also have a similar setup and was wondering about plugging in the 508 I have into the back of the 811. Did you just direct connect from the RCA jacks on the back of the 501 to the DVD or VCR RCA inputs on the back of the 811

Do you then just tune your TV to the 1 of the 2 channels for the back panel jacks

How is the picture?
I have an 811 and 501 hooked up to my Sony. I have the RCA output from the 501 going into one of the video input ports on the Sony, and I have the RCA output from the 811 going into another video input on the Sony, and I have the HD component outputs from the 811 going into the HD component inputs on the Sony. This allows me to have full PIP from two different sources.

In the future, I'm planning on getting a new Onky receiver that handles HD. When I do that, I'll move my component cables from the 811 into the receiver, then from there to the Sony.
From what I understand the 811 UHF remote will not control the 501 through UHF. It may be programmable though to control the 501 through IR. You will have to see if you can program in the Echostar receiver code into AUX or not.

If your 501 is not in the same room you would have to use a 3rd party IR repeater.
I had a similar issue and I sent an email to dish tech support. They said that the new PRO remote has a different UHF technology and old remotes will not control the 811 and vice versa.
markusian said:
I had a similar issue and I sent an email to dish tech support. They said that the new PRO remote has a different UHF technology and old remotes will not control the 811 and vice versa.


I don't know if the 811 remote will control all of the 501 features and vice versa but I know from personal experience that you can at least change the channel with it. When I was first set up last month, tech support walked me through changing the remote control id to a different channel so the two remotes wouldn't conflict.

HDTV Rookie,

You're correct, I'm just taking the RCA output from the 501 into the backpanel 1 input on the 811. I can then just tune to that channel (press 0 5 times) and see the 501 picture. The picture is okay, probably not quite as good as coming directly out of the 501 but close. Its kind of nice having the 811 display modes though. I put the 811 in partial zoom mode and then the 501 picture fits a 16x9 screen.


That's kind of what I suspected. The IR repeater idea doesn't work so well for me, as I've got the signal from my receivers going to 3 different locations in my house. Maybe once they get the 921 working well, and bring the price down to a reasonable level I'll consider going that route. Until then I guess I'll just put up with 2 remotes.

Thanks to all,
Hi guys,

I'm a newbie and I just recieved the 811 this weekend. I hooked it up to my Sony with the 501 also hooked up. The new remote didn't work but the 501 remote works with both receivers.
The 811 can receive IR or UHF Pro remote signals.
The UHF Pro remotes do not send IR for the satellite, only for TV, VCR and AUX.
The 501's remote sends IR and original UHF.

Best bet for shortest wait on 921?

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