Coolsat 5000

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Original poster
Oct 22, 2006
hey guy's i have a question, is the coolsat 5000 receiver c/ku band or just ku band? i'm trying to get c band channels with an offset antenna 1.2 meters would it be posible? like stmex 5 and 6 they broadcast at 41 db
and maybe others satellite that broadcast at 41db and higher
i have the lnb for it bsc621 c/ku tank you.
Tank you,would it be posible to get c band channels with an offset antenna? 1,2 meter tank's again.
1.2 meter dishes for C-band work on a few satellites for analog, not very well for digital. Using an antenna that small is more of a fun experiment than a serious means of receiving C-band.
6 foot? why yes, I am.

Let's see if any of the instigators will correct me, but...

I read all the miniBUD threads, above.
They were a lot of fun.
In the end, one of the major proponents moved to a Fortec Star 6' (180cm)
To motorize it, you could use the modest-priced H-180 motor and Vbox controller.
The dual band LNBF seemed to be the icing on the cake for C and Ku.

I haven't heard anyone criticize this lash-up other than the old timers with their 8', 10', and 12' dishes who've been running since the 80's... :)
So, if there really is a down side, it's not been well presented.

Also, I think anyone discussing this, should make clear whether they are interested in analog or the digital transmissions.
I myself, would not be interested in going analog.
So, if that's a problem, it should be made known.
I myself, would not be interested in going analog.
So, if that's a problem, it should be made known.

You know that gets me thinking. All of the analog feeds that exisit on much longer will they be around? I've always thought about that. Will they be around for a while or will they all end up in DVB one day? Including the syndication feeds.
some of the syndicated feeds are going digital but I think analog might be around for a few more years
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Glow in the Dark dish

AMC 1 103.0W Channels

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