Cost to downgrade to SD...


New Member
Original poster
Feb 20, 2006
I've dropped my HD because I never watch it anymore, but I would also like to get rid of my leased 622 so I don't have to pay the $7 HD fee. I've gotten different answers (about the cost to get a 625) from cust service the two times I've called to ask about getting a 625. It looks like I would need to pay about $99 to lease the 625. Should I just buy a 625(used or new?)? Will it be an easy swap? Thanks for any advice.
I've dropped my HD because I never watch it anymore, but I would also like to get rid of my leased 622 so I don't have to pay the $7 HD fee. I've gotten different answers (about the cost to get a 625) from cust service the two times I've called to ask about getting a 625. It looks like I would need to pay about $99 to lease the 625. Should I just buy a 625(used or new?)? Will it be an easy swap? Thanks for any advice.
The 625 is $75 installed from E* Recording hours are only 100 as well.
I purchased a 625 from an online aution site . . . about $125. Works great! Right now I have about 86.5 hours of recording left, I calculated approximately 55 hours of programing recorded.
The 625's I've been installing have a 150 hrs, the older ones only had a 100 hrs.
The 625's USED to only get 100 hours of recording time along with the 522's. Later on Dish Network upgraded with a software update to the 625's in which allows them to record 150 hours due to the larger hard drive that they have. All 625's should be able to do 150 hours now.

How many dish do I need to...

"Ineteractive" weather on 722

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