
New Member
Original poster
Dec 20, 2007
I currently have 211 that is for only one HD TV. Then I have a 722 that has OTA that TV 1 is HD and TV 2 goes to 6 different TV's all around the house. My question is if go with Hopper and Joey, will I still be able to have the same setup I have with 722. Will I be able to use the Hopper to control TV1, one Joey control TV2 and another Joey were I would run 6 different TV's like I do with the 722.
What the would the cost be to me, as I have been with Dish for over 17 years.
I would PM MattG of the Dish Internet Response Team as the pricing differs for different people. You could put the 2nd Joey at the wiring junction box and connect it to a RF modulator and powered splitter which would allow you to mirror it. Your monthly fees would be $14 in receiver fees plus the $4 Whole-Home DVR fee. Here is a link to PM him.


2 Hopper Insall Problems ... Anyone been able to do it

Maybe no Hopper today. I need another dish?

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