Dec 13th Update Broke My Joey Connection


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 14, 2007
Is anyone else having this issue... At random times my Joey 4k will lose the connection to the Hopper and I have to reboot the Joey again. The link quality shows "strong" but it just becomes "unlinked" for no reason at all. Even when unlinked it shows link quality as strong. I believe this started since the update on Dec 13th.

Is anyone else having this issue... At random times my Joey 4k will lose the connection to the Hopper and I have to reboot the Joey again. The link quality shows "strong" but it just becomes "unlinked" for no reason at all. Even when unlinked it shows link quality as strong. I believe this started since the update on Dec 13th.


Yes I had that happen last week, resetting Joey didn’t work , had to reboot h3 to get it working.

Any way to hide recordings on H3 from Dish Anywhere?

My remote control is out

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