Dental Implants

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Professional Amatuer
Original poster
Supporting Founder
May 20, 2004
Spokane, WA
Just curious if someone here is a dentist or endodontist. I had an implant this morning and was told not to smoke. I understand this with an extraction, but WTF with an implant? I was driven into my jaw with a DRILL for crying outloud. What risk can there really be.

I understand why not to smoke, but there is this little problem ... nicotine is 5 times more addictive than heroin.
No, but I just went through the teeth in a day procedure.

It heals better if you don't. Less chance of infection if you don't. Less chance of pain if you don't.

It isn't the inhaling that is the problem. It is the sucking on the end of the filter. The forces in your mouth, along your gumline and throughout your teeth are so great that it can amplify the problems I've described above.

I wasn't told not to, but I was stronly suggested not to, for the above mentioned reasons.
I got some lozenges, but I am a HUGE addict to cigarettes. I reckon I'll just keep it clean
Cigarettes? I hear the taxes on those things can kill you.
And smoking is a good way to become a social outcast so if you've always wanted to try out the loner lifestyle....
Smoking ruins your gums and teeth. It inhibits the gums ability to bring blood to the teeth. Quit smoking and you reduce gum disease and cavaties and etc. I'm sure it inhibits the healing process and increases risk of infection.
There is a bigger chance of infection for a smoker vs non-smoker with any kind of oral surgery. With extractions the incidence of "dry socket" is much greater in smokers than non-smokers.
<<nicotine is 5 times more addictive than heroin>>

I have seen or heard on news ppl killing for heroin, but not for nicotine.
<<nicotine is 5 times more addictive than heroin>>

I have seen or heard on news ppl killing for heroin, but not for nicotine.

I would venture to guess that nicotine is pretty easy to come buy without having to do too much illegal activity and deal with shady people, whereas I have never seen heroin on the shelf behind the cashier in the store....
I've smoked for over 25 years. Quit cold turkey 4 weeks ago. Had a heart attack. As the doctor was performing the angioplasty, he said I bet you've had the last cigarrette of your life. I'm 44 and about 20 lbs overweight (weigh 210, should be 180-190).

The sight at the hospital certainly re-enforced the drive to quit smoking. Seeing a bunch of handicapped middle aged men was very disconcerting. I was lucky to have been able to come out of the heart attack with little permanent damage. There were alot of others who were not as fortunate.
sad a old friend is dying of emphsema currently.......

smoking inhibits blood flow, causing poor healing and larger infection risks
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