Des Moines Iowa HD Locals


Original poster
Jul 27, 2008
Des Moines Iowa
I saw where HD locals were uplinked to satellite 61.5 on 09/24/08.

Called Dish today and they said no HD locals were available.

I get 129 instead of 61.5. Someone here said the these two satellites mirrored eachother.

Is anyone able to get HD locals via Dish(not via own attenna)?

World Series just around the corner and am spoiled by HD.

New uplink this afternoon. See if they make them available, but they are only on 61.5 Satellite currently.
Uplinked <> Available

The signals were added and given labels consistent with the stations in that market but were never available to subscribers. Consider it a test... of your patience ;).
They are no longer uplinked.

I realize that showing up in the uplink report and showing up in our guides are vastly different things, and that the uplink may be nothing more than a place holder at present, but I haven't seen the uplink of the DMIA locals that showed up here:

be listed as removed in any of the four uplink reports since. Why do you think they are no longer uplinked?
I realize that showing up in the uplink report and showing up in our guides are vastly different things, and that the uplink may be nothing more than a place holder at present, but I haven't seen the uplink of the DMIA locals that showed up here:

be listed as removed in any of the four uplink reports since. Why do you think they are no longer uplinked?

They are still showing up on "The List!" as Not Available, so I guess they are still there. I was hoping to see them on the Uplink Report as available, and when I didn't see them at all, I assumed they were no longer there. I've heard rumors of other locals going live Oct. 8, so hopefully Des Moines can join that list. I do have a 61.5 dish, but haven't gotten a new smart card yet. It seems unclear what is necessary to get them if they do make them available.
129 does not carry the same channels at 61.5 61.5 is for Eastern Arch, locals in HD will only be available one place or the other, depending if your market gets EA or WA
61.5=129 only for national HD (not including RSNs)
Locals and RSNs are different.
61.5 also has many internationals not on 129 (they are mirroed on 148 for the west)

The recent filings for Ciel-2 indicate that Spotbeam 21, with the capability of being feed by 2 TPs, should cover Des Moines. Than means eventually Ciel-2 will have the capability to carry them from 129 (although who knows if Dish will use that ability).

DPP44 to a 1K.2 dish


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