DHDT Alert: Best Beach Resorts, 4/13 at 9PM EST

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City
This one-hour special takes viewers on a grand tour of the finest seaside resorts on the globe. We'll patrol through paradise from crystal clear waters to sugary soft sands, exploring ten most gorgeous getaways under the sun. Whether you are looking for the romance of the mystical Maroma, Mexico, family fun in Kauai, Hawaii, spectacular service at a $30 thousand a week Caribbean retreat or just looking to splash down at a water loving resort in Tahiti, we'll showcase the best places to set down that suitcase and catch some rays on the way.
This was a delightful prg to watch. It almost make me dream. I liked the blue square pool where water was falling on the side. Ahhhh....wish I could be there and get rid of these horror weather we are having in NYC.

Cinema 10: The Great Bank Robbery 4/13 Premieres

DHDT: Programming Premiering Tonight at 8PM EST

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