DHP customers get's the 811 for $149


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 26, 2003
Burbs of Dallas Texas
I just got off the phone after calling the number to the Exec office.

I am a DHP customer and got the 811 for $149. They are also going
to install the 2nd dish for free and all this Friday.

The rep did tell me that the $149 will be available Friday for DHP
customers. He told me that they have been overwhelmed with calls and
emails about this. So emails and calls do work.

These guys are so much better than the normal CSR. The Exec new the
answer to every question I had and the answers where not some
script they where reading.

I am so excited. I got a new TV 6 months ago and have been waiting to
get HD. I hope I am not disappointed

Again thanks to ddeeble :D
:D Yeah my local dealer told me that I could get the SuperDish plus the 811 and 301 for free! When I paid a 49.99 credit plus first 3 months free and I will probally try out the 150 channel lineup plus the HD channels.
:D Yes I know the HD is 9.99 a month but they are not going to charge me the first 3 months is what I was told!

What is the first time, DishPVR was offered under FREE DISH

811 smart card (or card-less) question

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