Did anyone catch the press conf on 101?

It wasnt on 101..it was on the CBS stations that are gone.
Just got done with it...basically the same as last nite.

They showed a map of the markets that are gone
They did say that Viacom wanted to talk and DIsh wanted to talk...so that might be something good.

He did say MTV2, GAS and 2 other stations are useless..whichever ones left the guide

They took some calls.....some good, some bad.

2 questions on "what if im in a contract"....Charlie ducked those
Iceberg said:
It wasnt on 101..it was on the CBS stations that are gone.
Just got done with it...basically the same as last nite.

They showed a map of the markets that are gone
They did say that Viacom wanted to talk and DIsh wanted to talk...so that might be something good.

He did say MTV2, GAS and 2 other stations are useless..whichever ones left the guide

They took some calls.....some good, some bad.

2 questions on "what if im in a contract"....Charlie ducked those

I wouldn't say he ducked the contract one. Or at least the 2nd time it was asked he didn't duck it. He said if things werent resolved they would deal with it on a case by case basis.
I imagine that Charlie feels that he won't have to go there, they will have a new deal in place before there would be a mass exodus.

As always, it's about whose Ox is gored

No Viacom-- Now what?

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