Different locals in Boise Idaho


Original poster
Apr 26, 2005
I'm sorry to start a thread with such a moronic question, but the "search" feature has put me on a 2 hour read-a-thon that hasn't answered my question.

I currently live in Idaho(83642) and want to "move" so I can get the local channels from SLC, Utah(84025).
Besides the step of calling Dish and changing my service address, is there anything that needs to be done to switch my locals?
I have a Dish 500 with twin LNB's and just want the SD signal.
Any re-positioning of the dish, software changes, etc?
Thanks in advance.
Well if your neighbors are receiving it you can also.

No need to repoint your dish, just call them up & give them your new service address, tell them you would like to keep your billing address the same.


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