Directv Everywhere??

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Jul 12, 2007
Got my standard Directv cost of living raise email today.
I have heard some but not a lot about Directv Everywhere. It says coming soon. So it is not what we already have on the iPad now but something different? During the last quarterly presser the CEO mentioned it also but did not elaborate. He just said it is coming soon.
tigerfan33 said:
Got my standard Directv cost of living raise email today.
I have heard some but not a lot about Directv Everywhere. It says coming soon. So it is not what we already have on the iPad now but something different? During the last quarterly presser the CEO mentioned it also but did not elaborate. He just said it is coming soon.

I hope it's not just on the iPad. It's a constant battle to keep the iPad app patched so it works on a jailbroken device.
I doubt it will be the iPad app we already have now. It does say from your mobile device or pc.
I was excited about Nomad.........until it came out. I hope this will not be the same disappointment.

Scott. I know you talked to Direct at CES. Any mention of this from them???
I wonder how they will get away with a "DirecTV Anywhere" product on a PC? You can't lock a user out of their C:\ drive. It's not like an iPad or iPhone where there's no user level access. We all saw with nomad and DirecTV app for iPad that once you have user level access (via a jailbreak), DirecTV shuts down access to the app (unless you have an up to date patch from Cydia).

If they start DRM'ing the content properly (like HBO, Netflix, Hulu Plus for example) maybe they could offer "DirecTV anywhere" on ALL ipads as well as android tablets, Windows and Mac computers and more. Because a jailbroken ipad/iphone is just like a full fledged PC or Mac. You can install any app you want, and you have access to the filesystem / .
If we truly do get the ability to stream DirecTV on other devices over the internet, will it be for an additional fee? I wonder. To early to tell or to seriously speculate.
I can already access certain channels with my iPad, using my DirecTV login info, from anywhere, not just at home, for no additional fee. The handiest, and the one I have used the most is Big10. Nice to be able to watch the game in my office.
How fast of an internet speed do you need to get the Sling to work correctly at both ends ?
Anything at DSL should suffice. Very slow speeds will still get you your content, it will just adjust the PQ to a lower rez. According to Sling itself, the source needs a minimum upload of 1.5MBps for HD.
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