DirecTV HD programming

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Original poster
Jan 25, 2004
Does anyone know anything about DTV adding more HD channels to its programming?

yes, DirecTV will have 15-20 HD channels by year end. they will be adding locals in HD sometime in the next year or two by satellite. this was annouced a while ago and in a recent earnings call, just in case anyone thinks I am making this up. INHD has addmitted to me that they are currently in talks with DirecTV for carrige of their channels.
It's fun to go back and read old post
15-20 HD channels hmmm
and INHD???
I was talking to a DirecTV CSR yesterday and she told me they plan on having their entire line up broadcast in HD by 2007. Anyone else hear that?


What is INHD?
Well, technically speaking we should be enjoying 100% digital broadcasting by 2007 as it's mandated by the FCC.

Unfortunately, Digital does not mean HD.

I wonder if they requirement for the analog cutt off will apply to national cable channels too? I mean will they also have to broadcast in true digital signal or will they just be converted to digital like the satellite and digital cable companies do today.
I'm pretty sure the entire point of being a cable channel is to avoid being bound by regulations such as these which apply to broadcasters of signals over FCC-licensed bandwidth.

As the cable channels don't license bandwidth from the FCC, I doubt they are affected in any way by the analog cut off. Besides, they could just start sending cable and satellite companies QAM 480i digital signals and have fulfilled such a cut off without moving to HD at all.

IANAL, but I would be deeply surprised if I was wrong.
Even 480i in digital looks better than analog does. I receive ABC and NBC in 480i over a digital signal. It looks so much better than my analog versions of the same stations. I would love it if all my national cable channels looked as good as these two do. Of course I would truely love it if all of them were in 1080i.
Come to think of it, ever network has some plans for HD in the future.

for exemple

National Geographic HD
Hallmark HD
The Tennis Channel
Turner Classic Movies HD
THE Weather Channel HD
Lifestyle HD Channel which will produce channels from HGTV, Fine Living, DIY, Food Network,
MTV HD , SciFi HD , VH1 HD

and what not, :D
hdtvtechno said:
Come to think of it, ever network has some plans for HD in the future.

for exemple

National Geographic HD
Hallmark HD
The Tennis Channel
Turner Classic Movies HD
THE Weather Channel HD
Lifestyle HD Channel which will produce channels from HGTV, Fine Living, DIY, Food Network,
MTV HD , SciFi HD , VH1 HD

and what not, :D

What no TV Land or Nick at Nite in high def? Doesn't anyone else want to see old black and white reruns in 1080i? :D
What bugs me is that D* keeps showing some NBA games in HD that it looks like many folks can't get, even the ones that are in the teams DMA. IMHO D* should at least add TNT-HD to the HD package, that way they at least could say they have more channels in the package then E* has for marketing purposes. It would also make their subscribers happy since there's more NBA games over there that all HD pack viewers would be able to receive along with the upcoming NASCAR races that NBC doesn't carry. To me it makes sense which means it won't happen :(
agree, going to hate it when TNT takes over NASCAR in July...........what a bumber!
D* has dropped the egg on that one, and I really don't understand what the hold up is.
could've'/should've been added a year ago
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