DirecTV/TiVo loses signal at same time every night

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Jan 6, 2007
My DirecTV/TiVo loses its signal every night (gray screen) between 10:30 and 11 and has to reboot. Any idea why this is happening? I know it's not weather-related. It's been going on for about two weeks now. I really don't want to replace the receiver with the craptacular mess that is the DirecTV DVR.
My DirecTV/TiVo loses its signal every night (gray screen) between 10:30 and 11 and has to reboot. Any idea why this is happening? I know it's not weather-related. It's been going on for about two weeks now. I really don't want to replace the receiver with the craptacular mess that is the DirecTV DVR.

Sorry, but are you refering to the HR20-700 that MOST like very well and D* is improving weekly ?

When you buy a new item, there will always be things that are not perfect, at least D* is working on improvements.

Personally I think your Directv/Tivo is a peice of Craptacular garbage. Can't even get OTA signals with the outdated tuner on it.

They tried to give me one of those and I told them to take that OLD antiquated PO garbage out of my house, and give me what I ordered.

Sorry, but are you refering to the HR20-700 that MOST like very well and D* is improving weekly ?

When you buy a new item, there will always be things that are not perfect, at least D* is working on improvements.

Personally I think your Directv/Tivo is a peice of Craptacular garbage. Can't even get OTA signals with the outdated tuner on it.

They tried to give me one of those and I told them to take that OLD antiquated PO garbage out of my house, and give me what I ordered.


Granted the Hr20 has more advances than the HR10-250, if the DTIVO had the same advances ie mpeg4 and better Quality OTA tuner the DTIVO would be a better machine.

TIVO is a superior DVR heads and tails over anyone.

  • Reliability
  • Dual Buffers
  • Skip to tick
  • skip to end
  • 30 second "skip"(even though I don't use that function it's available.)
  • Doesn't record repeats if you don't want it to.
  • Did I mention DUAL BUFFERS
Sorry, but are you refering to the HR20-700 that MOST like very well and D* is improving weekly ?

When you buy a new item, there will always be things that are not perfect, at least D* is working on improvements.

Personally I think your Directv/Tivo is a peice of Craptacular garbage. Can't even get OTA signals with the outdated tuner on it.

I do agree that the 20-700 is on its way to being a good box, but it is buggy compared to my recent 10-250. And as far as the OTA reception on the Tivo, mine worked just fine and received all the "current" program data. The 20-700 seems to maybe have some amplification of the OTA signal as the channels that were coming in fine on the Tivo (maybe 85-95% sig strength) are now coming in on the 20-700 at about 90-100%. But the Tivo "brain" - when working properly - is far superior to this D*-branded box. The speed with which menus load may be faster on the D* box, but the "flow" and intelligence of the Tivo is unmatched.

For example: With Tivo, if you have three shows scheduled for the same or overlapping time slots, it would allow you to add it to the Season Pass list without forcing you to make a choice of which two previous items you want to cancel. It knew that if show #3 was rated lower in the SP list, it wouldn't get recorded, or maybe it would record a later showing. Now, I can't even setup some shows that I know will come on at a later time (like cable shows that repeat the East Coast feeds three hours later for the West coast, like Mythbusters or Dirty Jobs). This is pretty frustrating.

Also, I can't seem to find a way to make this thing auto record all my Duke Basketball games because it gets confused by the fact that the games are sometimes on ESPN, ESPN2, FSS, ABC or CBS. It seems to be channel dependent for the recurring recording to work. Tivo would simply says "okay, I will record all items with the keyword "Duke" and category "Sports" and subcategory "Basketball" regardless of the time or channel". The 20-700 is making me manually record each game as it appears on the guide data.

Fix these two problems, and I think this box will do fine in the long run. I know they are working on the problem of not recording/blank screen recording (and have possibly already pushed the fix), but in my opinion, these two other elements need higher priority.

And how can the concept of "conflict management" with scheduling be patented? I understand the process by which this happens might be proprietary, but the concept can't be. We as human beings are constantly faced with this kind of dilema (do I go to Scotty's soccer game this week or little Becky's dance recital?... Do I pay the phone bill first or pay the electric bill?...Do I fix my brakes first or replace my bare tires?)

Seems that D* (or would it be Pace's problem?) could come up with their own way of allowing three conflicting shows to be added and let the software make the call on which to record based on the Prioritizer. After all, isn't that what we do when we prioritize things...choose to do the more important thing first, and if I have time, go do the other...?
Granted the Hr20 has more advances than the HR10-250, if the DTIVO had the same advances ie mpeg4 and better Quality OTA tuner the DTIVO would be a better machine.

TIVO is a superior DVR heads and tails over anyone.

  • Reliability
  • Dual Buffers
  • Skip to tick
  • skip to end
  • 30 second "skip"(even though I don't use that function it's available.)
  • Doesn't record repeats if you don't want it to.
  • Did I mention DUAL BUFFERS

I think all thse have been addressed except the Dual buffers, there are numerous threads floating around here that tell you how to do all this stuff.
Go to your "record menu and tell the thing to NOT record both, tell it to record 1st run only, mine works great, only time it will not work that way is if the proper identifiers are not in the data stream, and that has NOTHING to do with the DVR or DIRECTV, that is done by the network or station.

I have a strong feeling that, as I mentioed in previous posts, these are things that are TIVO specific, therefore thay cannot be leagally duplicated, something about a patent and the lack of a desire to be sued.


But that's what makes TIVO superior.
If D* could make it like that it would be a TIVO and that is not possible, seeing D* doesn't want to give thier money away to another company anymore.

Which is a mistake on there part, granted TIVO probably had something to do with the split also, they both should hug an makeup and make the best DVR over anyone.

Granted I don't have an HR20, and I don't know how good they are, I do have 2 R15s and I am really disappointed in the lie they call a reliable DVR.

I keep hoping the R15 will get better and capable of some of the things I read about a dbs for there future.

In 2 years when my commitment is over, and I hopefully will be able to afford HD, if D* doesn't have anything improved and Comcast has TIVO I'll be going there.
I 'm not buying that, if you look around you will find plenty of threads talking about problems with the HR10-250

True, but I think we can all agree that there is no box out there that is 100% perfect for everything. And especially those of us who spend our time posting, we can never be satisfied with anything. ;)

For instance, the only reasons I "upgraded" to the 20-700 are because of the impending MPEG4 capabilities (when they are available in my area, maybe mid-2007) and the interactive features available (SportsMix, NewsMix, etc and Mega March Madness multi-screen). If these features were integrated into a Tivo-based DVR, for me, this would be as close to perfect as we can get. Plus, my Tivo has been a little flaky since late December not recording SP/WL items,and telling me that someone in my household has changed the settings - which is not true.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and my opinion is that the D* DVR is still lacking. I am fairly patient and am willing to wait for some of the fixes that are in the pipe (as far as bugs and functionality). But I will want a box that is consistently working near 100% if I am to be happy. Right now, this box shows some hints that it can achieve this goal, but it is still early.

And it would be nice to have that dual buffer again... :D
I think all thse have been addressed except the Dual buffers, there are numerous threads floating around here that tell you how to do all this stuff.
Go to your "record menu and tell the thing to NOT record both, tell it to record 1st run only, mine works great, only time it will not work that way is if the proper identifiers are not in the data stream, and that has NOTHING to do with the DVR or DIRECTV, that is done by the network or station.


Now I'm going with the R15, like I said I don't have HR20, but everything I stated is not there or doesn't function properly, the 30 second "slip" is ridiculous. The skip to end is there but it's takes to much work to enable it, have to hold button or the 30 second "slip" engages. not acceptable but it's there I guess.

and you go to numerous threads at DBS about the R15 and you'll see how terrible it is.

If your HR20 works to your liking than more power to ya man, I'm happy that they got the HR20 working, in my opinion once they came out with this box they change all attention to the HR20 and left the R15 alone.
My DirecTV/TiVo loses its signal every night (gray screen) between 10:30 and 11 ...

A little ole man
Was sitting on a step
And a tear kinda
Trickled down his cheek

I said what's the matter
He said a train just ran over me
I said hmm, how often does this happen
He said every day about this time

I said, well, why do you
Just sit out here then
He said cause I cannot
Believe that it's happening

I said reach out
Take my hand
You'll understand

Baby, everything is all right
Uptight, outta sight
Baby, everything is all right
Uptight, outta sight

Little ole man sitting on the step
Same ole man and a tear
Trickled down his cheek

I said what's the matter
He said a herd of elephants
Just stampeded over me

I said hmm, same hmm
I said how often does this happen
He said every day a half hour
After the train runs over me

I said reach out
Take my hand
You'll understand

[repeat CHORUS]

Little ole man sitting on the step
Same ole man and a tear
Trickled down his cheek
I said, hey, how you doing
After that train ran over you

He said what train
I said the train that ran
Over you a half hour before
The elephants stampeded over you

He said what elephants
I said hmm, same hmmm
He said you're a young boy
Said you got a lot to learn

He said reach out
Take my hand
You'll understand
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