I have Brighthouse broadband in orlando. I have slow VoD dowloads after using Vod more often. I also have bit torrent downloads slowed down. I suspect it could be for the same reason, Brighthouse is using a Deep Packect Inspection (DPI) network appliance to inspect our application type and slow down the applications they dont want on their network. Directv is a competitor to their cable, hence it makes 100% sense, but seriously frowned upon by the Network Nuetrality promise. My options are to swicth braodband providers. There is AT&T pushing discounted packages in orlando and I know that Verizon is hiring reps to sell FIOS in Orlando area. FIOS fiber to the home would be the best and faste alternative to Brighthouse. I will check back with you all later and report on better alternatives than Brighthouse.
It would be good if Brighhouse reps were reading their customers issues with degraded service (here), before we need to swicth, one by one and then in droves away from blocking and slowing down the bandwidth for applications we select for our home. I pay $45 a month to them and I WONT ALLOW THEM TO ABUSE ME.