DiseqC vs Multiswitch

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New Member
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Feb 15, 2012
Hey Guys
I’m new to this forum
I live in Denmark and have some satellite-related trouble.
I currently have an 8/1 diseqC on 2 separate dishes, where I watch -1 degrees Thor, 5 degrees Sirius and 42 degrees Turksat. I’d like to add at least 2 more LNB’s to my system as soon as the weather permits it (Denmark is currently under heavy snow). I have installed a cable from room to room, so I am able to loop the signal from one set top box to another . I have found out that this solution is not able to show transmissions from two different satellites at the same time, It loses signal, when for instance I turn on Sirius on one TV and Turksat on another. Instead I have to buy a multiswitch and redo the wiring so that the signals from the different LNB’s enter it and is distributed from it. I am now afraid that my single LNB’s are inadequate and that I have to exchange them with Quatro-blocks or Octo-LNB's so that in theory everyone in my household will be able to watch different channels from the Sirius satellite! Do I have to buy new LNB’s because I cannot use my single LNB’s anymore?
Is there another way to work around my little problem e.g. by installing a couple of tone burst switches or do I have to make somebody rich by buying Octo-LNB’s ?

Looking forward to all Your answers and inputs
Kind regards

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