dish 1000 no connection on LNBF for 129


Original poster
Sep 30, 2006
Attempted installtion of Dish 1000 today in order to receive 129. Took down the old 500, put the 1000 in its place. I adjusted the elevation and azimuth in order to get a strong signal on 119 . . . seeing around 104, 105 on that satellite. Similarly, seeing mid 90s readings on the 110. However, I'm not seeing 129 at all.

From the check switch I get:

1 2 3
110 119 x
All All x
PTwin PTwin nc, where nc means no connection.

I'm planning on swapping out the jumper coax cable between the LNBF on 129 and the DPP twin to see if that helps any.

Just curious if anyone has seen anything like this. Maybe the Dish needs to be repointed? I'd appreciate any ideas . . . thanks in advance.
Swapping the jumper would be a good start since it sounds like you are not getting signals from the 129 LNBF over to the DP Twin, or is it a DP Plus Twin?

What type of receiver do you have, and does it have the latest software?
SmityWhity said:
Swapping the jumper would be a good start since it sounds like you are not getting signals from the 129 LNBF over to the DP Twin, or is it a DP Plus Twin?

What type of receiver do you have, and does it have the latest software?

Sorry for the incorrect info earlier, this is a DPP Twin. I have a single 301 receiver with P343 level software. I searched a bit but couldn't determine what the latest level is.
Move that dish to the west one more bird. Looks as though you are just aiming @ the 110 and 119 and not the 129....The last one I put up went very nice. Now I did have a superdish install where I had a bad lnb, luckily the customer had just taken down their old superdish and I got that out of the shed and re-installed it. Dish uses alot of refurbs, mean all refurbished equipment. So first thing I would do is move it to the next bird to the west. Try that you may be suprised.
Move that dish to the west one more bird. Looks as though you are just aiming @ the 110 and 119 and not the 129....The last one I put up went very nice. Now I did have a superdish install where I had a bad lnb, luckily the customer had just taken down their old superdish and I got that out of the shed and re-installed it. Dish uses alot of refurbs, mean all refurbished equipment. So first thing I would do is move it to the next bird to the west. Try that you may be suprised.

First of all, many thanks to those who have contributed their thoughts thus far. It is definitely appreciated.

I started playing around with the system again this morning, moving the tripod to see if perhaps maybe I was off by a bird. No luck . . . I did a quick experiment where I'd block an LNBF individually by hand. The 119 signal did seem to be coming off on the 119 LNBF; likewise 110 signal was coming off 110. Absolutely nothing coming off 129 LNBF as far as I could tell.

I did notice that when I go look at the 129 signal strength, I would get a "wrong satellite-119 W" message with the same strength measured as if I flipped the receiver over to look at the 119 signal. My guess would be that this is because the switch wasn't recognizing the third LNBG for 129 at all.

Anyway, I switched out the jumper coax between the single LNBF and the DPP Twin and repositioned the satellite once more to get a huge signal (~125) on 119 tp 5. Ran check witch one last time, and now it finally recognizes the 129. Now, I have:

1 2 3
110 119 129
All All Even
PTwin PTwin Feed

Should the 129 say 'even?' Or is that an indication of bad signal?
The signal on 129 is really weak (off and on around 40 and then drops completely). I'm hoping I can tweak the positioning a bit more to pick up a better signal on 129.

Thanks again for everyone's input. Take care.
Run your feed of 129 sat direct to receiver and see if even and odd are ok.
You may have a problem in the DP+ area.
Looks like you have the latest software:

Since I know the DP Plus Twin is unique and acts differently (and some say not at all :) ), I would believe the words of the above posters that FEED is correct for a DP Dual feeding into a DPP Twin. Otherwise a DP Dual on 129 would show Dual when going through a DP-34 or DPP-44 switch.

Looks like it's time to do as Clancy says and by-pass the DPP Twin, and hook directly to the LNBF for 129. Then I believe your check switch will show Dual and All (or Both Odd and Even) when you peak it on 129. If so, the 129 LNBF would be good, and if not, its bad. If it is good, and then bad when you connect it back to the DPP Twin, it'll be time to get a replacement (under warranty).
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mrexperience said:
Attempted installtion of Dish 1000 today in order to receive 129. Took down the old 500, put the 1000 in its place. I adjusted the elevation and azimuth in order to get a strong signal on 119 . . . seeing around 104, 105 on that satellite. Similarly, seeing mid 90s readings on the 110. However, I'm not seeing 129 at all.

From the check switch I get:

1 2 3
110 119 x
All All x
PTwin PTwin nc, where nc means no connection.

I'm planning on swapping out the jumper coax cable between the LNBF on 129 and the DPP twin to see if that helps any.

Just curious if anyone has seen anything like this. Maybe the Dish needs to be repointed? I'd appreciate any ideas . . . thanks in advance.

From what I've seen in the field sometimes a front panel reset will resolve the issue. Bad ground block/barrel can cause this as well.
I ended up moving the 129 LNBF over to the 119 slot on the arm in order to verify it was working. It read out the same signal strenth as the dpp twin had shown, so the 129 LNBF must be OK.

After some fiddling with the positioning of the dish (and the replacement of the jumper coax), the check switch now finally recognizes the 129 satellite. Through manually positioning I've now got 129 tp 5 at signal that hovers around 51 or 52; 119 is around 90 and 129 around 100. Kind of weak on 129, the picture will occassionally drop out for a moment; I'll try peaking once again on the 129 once my signal finder arrives in the mail. Still not getting any signal on 129 tp 19 or 31, though the check switch now says 129 sees 'All', not just the 'even' as before. I figure this must be a pointing problem; maybe once the signal finder gets here, it will be easier to make adjustments to peak on the 129.

Still kind of baffled why I had such a hard time getting the check switch to recognize the 129 LNBF. I guess it must've been some combination of the original jumper cable and the positioning. In any case, thanks to everyone who has chimed in; your thoughts and encouragement has definitely helped out.
mrexperience said:
I ended up moving the 129 LNBF over to the 119 slot on the arm in order to verify it was working. It read out the same signal strenth as the dpp twin had shown, so the 129 LNBF must be OK.

After some fiddling with the positioning of the dish (and the replacement of the jumper coax), the check switch now finally recognizes the 129 satellite. Through manually positioning I've now got 129 tp 5 at signal that hovers around 51 or 52; 119 is around 90 and 129 around 100. Kind of weak on 129, the picture will occassionally drop out for a moment; I'll try peaking once again on the 129 once my signal finder arrives in the mail. Still not getting any signal on 129 tp 19 or 31, though the check switch now says 129 sees 'All', not just the 'even' as before. I figure this must be a pointing problem; maybe once the signal finder gets here, it will be easier to make adjustments to peak on the 129.

Still kind of baffled why I had such a hard time getting the check switch to recognize the 129 LNBF. I guess it must've been some combination of the original jumper cable and the positioning. In any case, thanks to everyone who has chimed in; your thoughts and encouragement has definitely helped out.

You haven't said if you are using a HD receiver or not.
If not, you will not receive signal from 129 sat. on transponders 19 and 31 plus a few others as they are high definition transponders and will not show signal on a standard receiver.
If you are using a HD receiver, then you still have a problem.
Make sure it is not a LOS issue. I have had a few where you could not just change out a 500 for a 1000 in same spot. Because of 129 being more to the west and lower on the horizon.
After reading the updates, it sounds like ke4est is on track. Probably a tree a little to close to the right (west) of the signal path losing the leaves.

(Maybe they'll fall off quick!:) )

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