MPEG 2 how long will it last ?


New Member
Original poster
Sep 28, 2006
New guy here, need some advise. My 811 is in a bad situation, as I understand it. How long will Dish be using MPEG 2, before this thing is a worthless dinosaur ? When they convert to over to mpeg 4 , will I get any HD ?
I suspect that MPEG2 is going to be around for a long time. I think MPEG4 was only implemented because Dish knew they were going to have to put hundreds of local HD channels on the satellites. If they switched the existing MPEG2 HD channels to MPEG4, they wouldn't gain a ton of space but they' would gain a ton of mad customers.
With the current promotion, you might jump on the 622 upgrade. It's a great receiver. Currently the hd channels you have are the only MPEG2 HD channels. The channels you don't get NFL, HGTV, Food, Universal, ESPN2, and many of the Voom channels are in MPEG4. Most of (if not all) the SD programming is still MPEG2. BE brave step in, It's worth the extra ten bucks a month and many more.
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Widescreen said:
I suspect that MPEG2 is going to be around for a long time. I think MPEG4 was only implemented because Dish knew they were going to have to put hundreds of local HD channels on the satellites. If they switched the existing MPEG2 HD channels to MPEG4, they wouldn't gain a ton of space but they' would gain a ton of mad customers.


Depends on what your definition of a long time is. MPEG4 will replace MPEG2 for ALL of Dish Networks channels. The time table is a bit fuzzy but even Charlie Ergen confirmed this.

I'll bet that within 3 years all MPEG2 receivers will have to be replaced by MPEG4 receivers as Dish is going to need every bit of bandwidth for the move to HD programing over the next few years.

The actual time table will shift depending on the new MPEG4 Realtime encoders efficiency improvements and availability over the next few years.

Since the 811 is a hi-def receiver, I'd consider the switch to have already happened. My guess is in the next year or two the remainder of the hd receivers will be swapped out and all hi-def will go to mpeg 4.

Why not upgrade to at least a 211 (if not a 622)? The economies of this depend on your programming package. It'll cost you a few $$$ more to go to a metal package, then the upgrade will cost you nothing.

Std-Def is not going anywhere for a while. My guess is it'll take around 3 years to get all the existing SD receivers swapped out. And, since they haven't even started yet......
The 811 will also be a decent HD OTA receiver for the foreseeable future regardless of what E* does with their content. You have a certain amount of MPEG-2 HD content that you will continue to receive probably for several years as the conversion of fielded receivers continues. But in that interim all new channels will be added in MPEG-4 (coded or headered) only, so you're missing that capability.

When I initially upgraded to my purchased 622 I kept the old HD Pack / voom / AT60 / locals that I was receiving with the 811 (which I'm still using). I knew that once I gave up that programming I could never get it back. But I was already missing the 5 new voom channels and ESPN2HD, Universal, etc. that the 622 could receive that my programming did not provide. During one call to Tech Service, the tech initiated a conversation on why I did not convert. It turned out that it was actually $1 per month cheaper to switch to HDBronze/locals, and I would could get all the HD programming offered at the time as well as the several new channels added since then! That actually offers a payback on the upgrade cost, albeit in my case it's quite long! So you should also consider the limitations the 811 is imposing on your programming options.

It is possible that E* will ultimately swap-out the remaining 811s for 211s or whatever at no additional cost to the sub. just to get them out of service. And I suppose you could try to upgrade to a metallic pack with the 811 (I haven't heard of anyone doing that) comparable to what you have now and possibly save a buck a month or so. Otherwise I agree with others - as soon as you don't have a commitment you should upgrade. Essentially more for less, but of course, YMMV...!

Welcome, BTW!
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bhelms said:
It turned out that it was actually $1 per month cheaper to switch to HDBronze/locals,

That is because they were charging you $6 for not having bronze with your ViP box. It should have been on your bill as HD enable fee. If you have an 811 it would not make sense to try and upgrade to bronze without getting a vip box.

I think there is still a bit of life in the mpeg2 boxes. Dish is still replacing bad 6000s and 811s with 811s. Also Dish has not converted the original voom channels to mpeg4 even though few people with mpeg2 have the needed dish to subscribe to them.

Upgrade if you want the extra channels, otherwise just wait until Dish starts warning you that you need to upgrade.
I believe it's Dish policy, stated on a Charlie Chat (FWIW) that all HD is intended to be moved to MPEG-4 during 2007. Another poster has stated that he remembers Charlie claiming he was planning on all SD moving to MPEG-4 within 3 years.

Bandwidth is their stock in trade. They can move out all the non-MPEG-4 and non-8PSK STBs, replacing them with MPEG-4 boxes, and put off adding another satellite. The only question is, how fast to do it to maximize payback.
I saw that too on Charlie Chat. All HD mpeg4 by next summer and all sd will be mpeg4 by 2009 or 2010. So around three years for sd , just don't remember if it is three years from when all hd goes hd in 2007 , or three years from when they announced it this year.
"in MPEG-4 (coded or headered) only" - technically is not true;
while MPEG-4 encoders will not reach that point, where quality and bandwidth against a cost of the boxes will be profitable, DISH STILL and will provide HD with MPEG-2 compression;
sad thing for non-ViP receiver's owners - those channels, like UniversalHD could be seen on 6000/921/942 or 811 today, but Dish marked such channels as "ViP only" to force you buy new models.
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And if E* was successful in getting a lot of the 811/921/942 owners to voluntarily upgrade to new receivers, then that means there aren't a lot of non-MPEG4 HD households to deal with on a forced upgrade.

Wouldn't be surprised if they offered a free swap of a 211 for an 811 at some point in the next year.
A ViP211 for an 811- and then a new ViP series single tuner DVR for 921/942? Vip622 for 921/942? Another yet to be released unit?

Since at some point it will be involuntary, hard to picture them charging for it, even though the replacement unit will be newer and more capable. But then, presumably, the replacement unit will be "leased" and not "owned." Or will it? !sadroll
Tom Bombadil said:
...Wouldn't be surprised if they offered a free swap of a 211 for an 811 at some point in the next year.
That's the promo I'm waiting for. If there's an extension of the commitment associated with it (I lease my 811) then I may consider a 211 purchase, or perhaps buy another 622...

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