Dish 1000 plus


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Original poster
Feb 14, 2006
Does anyone know if I purchase a dish 1000 plus and install it myself. Will it require me to call Dish and inform them or will it work right after I install it? Also What would I have to due with my current dish 1000, is it mine since I ordered it through dish or am I just leasing? I ask because I would like to sell it to recoop some of the purchase amout from the dish 1000 plus or would I have to send it back to dish?
I am doing this in order to get pittsburgh hd locals I already have the sd locals, but since it looks like they uplinked the hd to the 118.75 sat I need to get a new dish do you know if I would have to call for this since I already have the sd locals
In theory, if you subscribe to locals, and HD is available for your DMA, then all you would need is a dish to point to the bird that is providing them. This would mean you would need to point to 4 birds and a DPP 4:4 switch would be required, or a Dish 1000.2 which has the switch built into the primary LNBF. A second dish would still be needed though because we don't have a single dish solution for 4 birds.
A second dish would still be needed though because we don't have a single dish solution for 4 birds.

Huh... Do you really work for DNS?

Dish 1000 Plus is a 4 sat solution, 119/118.7/110/129, and what will be needed in the Pitts DMA for the Local HD signals.
If you are subscribed to a Metal HD pack then Dish will provide the 1000+ and install for free if required for your HD locals.

I am doing this in order to get pittsburgh hd locals I already have the sd locals, but since it looks like they uplinked the hd to the 118.75 sat I need to get a new dish do you know if I would have to call for this since I already have the sd locals
I think what the original poster is asking is if you already have sd locals and manually install the dish 1000 plus will the hd locals just appear in the guide or does he have to call dish to activate them?

Also, what are the policies regarding dish equipment? Mainly, do I own the dish I got from Dish Network or is it just leased? Meaning, can I sell the original dish if I find a new one on my own or will Dish Network need it back?
I am doing this in order to get pittsburgh hd locals I already have the sd locals, but since it looks like they uplinked the hd to the 118.75 sat I need to get a new dish do you know if I would have to call for this since I already have the sd locals

Don't jump the gun yet.. these are not available yet.
Yeah last time I checked the 1000+ picked up 4 birds. I must have been sleeping that day I guess.

I wouldn't say birds... more of like 4 orbital positions. Technically the 1000+ is picking more than 4 birds. You can even count the D* birds since the LNBs can catch this signal too ;)
Your correct about the 1000 plus seeing 4 orbitals, I was mistaken. A DPP 4:4 switch would still be needed though until the 1000.2 is released.

Eh? There's a 1000.2 at my shop for test purposes. How would the 1000.2 pick up the 118.7? As far as I know there is no single dish for the 118.7.

1000.2 is 110/119/129 with a in port for like 61.5/148.
Eh? There's a 1000.2 at my shop for test purposes. How would the 1000.2 pick up the 118.7? As far as I know there is no single dish for the 118.7.

1000.2 is 110/119/129 with a in port for like 61.5/148.

Yeah, I didn't "get" that either. AFAIK, the 1000.2 is an improved 1000; DPP technology and a slightly larger surface area on the reflector.
I haven't messed with it... I *think* there is three out ports on there so it could feed 3 DPP IRD.

Yes, there is three DPP outputs, and one input. As you stated, presumably for a wing bird such as the 61.5 or 148. Haven't had a chance to install one yet either. We have one on display in the "tech training" portion of our I took the liberty of actually trying it out during a slow day. Overall, I think it's a suitable replacement for the original 1000.

2 Ports of DP Quad with DPP44?

WPVI in Philadelphia Poor Signal

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