DISH 50" Plasma TV?


Original poster
May 17, 2004
I heard a rumor today, from who I consider a very reliable source, that DISH may be coming out with a 50" plasma T.V. soon. He wouldn't give me any details though. Anyone here have any info on this?
Diver said:
I heard a rumor today, from who I consider a very reliable source, that DISH may be coming out with a 50" plasma T.V. soon. He wouldn't give me any details though. Anyone here have any info on this?
It would suprise me. A 50" Plasma is still pretty high end. Those who would be interested in shelling out a few grand for a television likely would go to a local electronics store instead of going to the satellite provider...but I've been wrong before.
Well Gateway and DELL have gotten into marketing large screen displays so why can't DISH. I'd think they would have learned they can't effectively warranty the products after their attempt at selling RCA made products. But if Charlie can make a profit that is more important, than servicing the customer.
If Dish Network can get the tv's cheap enough then that would help lower the price for subscribers. I just hope none of them are RCA since I would never own another RCA product again.
Who'd want it, you know it would be an EDTV resolution. I just saw one advertised in The Perfect Vision and could not believe the paltry resolution for such a large screen and it cost $4,000 +.
I doubt Dish Network would put that much risk in leasing such expensive hardware to a customer. It would take too long for Dish Network to make a profit from that type of customer unless most would actually keep the leased hardware for many years and charge a $20 a month lease on it. At that rate it would still take them too long to make a profit unless they had an upfront cost to the customer and the price of the 942 would drop and they got a killer deal on the tv's.
A satellite receiver (box) connected to the tv that decrypts the signal and changes the channels with the remote control.
Stargazer said:
A satellite receiver (box) connected to the tv that decrypts the signal and changes the channels with the remote control.

Stargazer, Gary knows what A Set Top Box is, :) he wants to know what kind of a STB is being shown in Scott's picture of the Plasma, shown above.
No, it's something else. Here's the 942 that Scott photographed at the Team Summit:

The STB on top of the flat panel has too many buttons.
I must have been thinking about when someone was asking what an stb was in one of the posts in one of the forums not long ago.

Is it just me?

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