Okay...so you want the 522 running in single mode..using both tuners JUST for it.. That..probably wouldn't really work. If I understand you right.
You'd still need an LNB with three outputs, two for the 522 and one for the other reciever. Hook up your TV1 output to the first television, and then run a coax cable from the TV2 output to the ANT input of your second reciever. What'll happen is, when you turn OFF the second reciever, it'll pass through the signal from the 522. The 522 doesn't keep seperate DVR lists for each tuner, it just puts them all in one list, so it doesn't really matter which tuner it records on. You can run the 522 in single mode, and see the same thing on both TVs, or in dual mode, and be able to watch two different things at the same time.
That kinda answer your question, or is there a little more clarification needed? I'm always a little fuzzy when I can't quite see the end result.