Dish 522 - Can you connect TV1 and TV2 output to one TV on diff. AV inputs?


New Member
Original poster
May 13, 2004
I'm considering the 522 and was wondering if the following setup was possible:
Connect TV1 Output to TV Video 1 Input using RCA composite cables.
Connect TV2 Output to same TV Video 2 Input using RCA composite cables.

With this setup, isn't it like connecting to two different TV's? Also if you are
using RCA cables with no coaxial connection how does the Modulator Setup
work in terms of channel assignment?

If this setup works, then I was thinking you can watch TV on Video 1 while
recording live on Video 2.

I'm new to this whole thing so excuse any dumb ideas I've suggested!

Yeah - it'll work fine. Modulator doesn't matter - RCA connections don't use it.

You can run one of the 522 outputs through your VCR instead of direct to the TV, thereby opening up other possibilities.

Finally, you can still take the coax outputs, combine them, and run them yet elsewhere to drive another TV (but you still only have 2 tuners).
Just wanted to make sure . . . so with this setup can I
watch a live program on TV1/Video1 while TV2/Video2
is recording another channel?
grantk said:
Just wanted to make sure . . . so with this setup can I
watch a live program on TV1/Video1 while TV2/Video2
is recording another channel?
Yup. No problem. You can even record using tuner 1 & tuner 2 while watching previously recorded shows on both TV1 & TV2. Or pause the 'live' show on TV1 while you go get a snack - then come back and skip the commercials.

These PVRs are just amazing once ya get the hang of 'em. :)

811 Signal Strength

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