Dish 522 Problems...


Original poster
Apr 15, 2004
I recently got the DVR 522 after having used the DVR 501 for 3 years. Although I've only had it for 3 days now, I'm very disappointed with it. The system is extremely slow scrolling thru the Guide or recorded programs lists. Also, I've noticed that at least 7 programs which were scheduled to record failed to do so for no apparent reason?!? This is a problem I never experience in the 501. Last, I noticed last night that it showed I had two programs recording on the unit itself, but the DVR list showed nothing. When the programs finished recording, they never did appear on the recorded program list..

So far I'm very anyone else sharing these same frustrations? Or do I have a deffective unit?
NORMAL on the 522. How did you get a 522 as an existing customer? Do they have special software for customers who aren't on DHA?
severtson said:
I recently got the DVR 522 after having used the DVR 501 for 3 years. Although I've only had it for 3 days now, I'm very disappointed with it. The system is extremely slow scrolling thru the Guide or recorded programs lists. Also, I've noticed that at least 7 programs which were scheduled to record failed to do so for no apparent reason?!? This is a problem I never experience in the 501. Last, I noticed last night that it showed I had two programs recording on the unit itself, but the DVR list showed nothing. When the programs finished recording, they never did appear on the recorded program list..

So far I'm very anyone else sharing these same frustrations? Or do I have a deffective unit?

I haven't had these problems at all since I finally got my installer to resolve signal strength and wiring problems. Since then I have found my 522 to be trouble free(knock on wood). The program guide on the 522 is slower then the program guide on my previous direct TV system.

Things to try(forgive me if these seem obvious to you).

1. Look for obvious wiring problems e.g. loose connections, etc.
2. After the install do you have good signal strength on all the sat. you use?
Is this reflected by good picture quality on both TV's you are feeding with your 522?
3. This may seem very obvious but it took me 4 months to convince my installer that the 522 needs two inputs from the Dish. Sat 1 to feed TV1 and Sat 2 to feed TV 2. You have both feeds installed, correct?
4. Is your current software version L162? If not it might help to do a hard boot to get software upgraded to L162.
5. If all else fails go ahead and do a hard boot. If you are using 110,119 sat's turn to a 110 sat station first such as 185 Hallmark. Hold the power button for 30 seconds then release it. The 522 will power up, program guide and potentially new software will be downloaded.

cheers and good luck.
boba said:
NORMAL on the 522. How did you get a 522 as an existing customer? Do they have special software for customers who aren't on DHA?

I actually quit service earlier this year...then I had to argue to get them to accept me again as a new customer. Finally, after speaking to the supervisor I was told, "it will be a $25 service activiation fee, and then I would qualify for new customer promotions". Have you tried threatening to quit? If you do, they'll transfer you to their retention dept who I have found will offer you all kinds of things to stay (i.e. months of free service, equipment upgrades, etc)
Eastern OR said:
I haven't had these problems at all since I finally got my installer to resolve signal strength and wiring problems. Since then I have found my 522 to be trouble free(knock on wood). The program guide on the 522 is slower then the program guide on my previous direct TV system.

Things to try(forgive me if these seem obvious to you).

1. Look for obvious wiring problems e.g. loose connections, etc.
2. After the install do you have good signal strength on all the sat. you use?
Is this reflected by good picture quality on both TV's you are feeding with your 522?
3. This may seem very obvious but it took me 4 months to convince my installer that the 522 needs two inputs from the Dish. Sat 1 to feed TV1 and Sat 2 to feed TV 2. You have both feeds installed, correct?
4. Is your current software version L162? If not it might help to do a hard boot to get software upgraded to L162.
5. If all else fails go ahead and do a hard boot. If you are using 110,119 sat's turn to a 110 sat station first such as 185 Hallmark. Hold the power button for 30 seconds then release it. The 522 will power up, program guide and potentially new software will be downloaded.

cheers and good luck.

Thanks for the suggestions...I have tried these and 'yes' I am on L162. Had to recheck hoping I wasn't and this would be my fix. The 501 guide was quite responsive when scrolling thru menus & guides...interesting you don't have any recording problems though. Try recording multiple programs (even two at a time) and see if any are missed...we lost two last nigh (Smallville & the Bachelor - which my wife is furious about). I'm about to post info from a call I just placed to Dish that verified all these problems...
I placed a call with Dish technical support this morning who validated that they have had several complaints with the 522 units. The verified that both of my complaints as being among the bugs they are addressing thru a software upgrade (slow responsiveness & missed recordings). The technician told me that it could be close the June before the upgrade is sent out...but they're working to get the upgrade/fixes out as soon as possible.
severtson said:
So far I'm very anyone else sharing these same frustrations? Or do I have a deffective unit?

In terms of features and usefullness, the 522 is a terrific device: having two tuners in one unit not only saves money (you avoid the $5 charge if you have the phone line plugged in), but it's also very convenient since you can modify timers from both TV's and/or watch DVR programs from both tuners. In practice, this is very handy and quite unique.

However, the bugs are almost a deal-breaker at times. I've experienced a few, from very minor to very major. Here are a few:

MINOR: Ocassionally, the menu system will glitch a little and cause some weird colorations or loss of color while manipulating something in the menu. No immediate cause that I can think of and it doesn't happen when watching Live TV - just in the menu. Another somewhat minor bug is an ocassional audio or video glitch/hiccup when watching a recorded program. It doesn't happen a lot, but seems to happen more when both tuners are busy recording or when watching something from the DVR while recording something else.

MAJOR: I've had a disturbing number of timers fail to record properly or fail to record at all. Sometimes, it's like you said where the red light will come on and show it recording, but nothing shows up in the DVR. Other times, it will show something in the DVR, but when you start the program, it just glitches and goes back to the menu right away - and it may show some odd number of hours recorded which don't match what the timer should have recorded. Either way, it's greatly frustrating that you never know for sure if your program is going to work or not. If these things were worked out, I would truly say the 522 is an awesome unit.

My first 522 didn't have any problems other than it started to freeze the video and Dish replaced it with a new/refurb.

I have noticed on the replacement that sometimes the guide is slow and almost feels hung, then it will take off and scroll after 5-10 seconds. I have not had any DVR events not record though and I have 8 timers set for daily/weekly events.

I did have a problem with having to reset all of my timers after the daylight time change. Everything was 1 hour off.

The Caller ID still isn't fixed with L1.62. It is better, but sometimes it displays the last person that called as the current caller or sometimes not at all when someone calls.

Seems to be a pattern with all of E*'s newer equipment. Shove it out the door and get the money for it. Clean up the mess later.

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