Dish 811 OTA S-video weirdness


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 29, 2004
Little Elm, TX
I got around to trying the S-Video output on my Dish 811 receiver. I'm thinking about getting a PVR and want to use this output for recordings. I have a 16:9 TV, but as I expected the S-Video output only sends a 4:3 picture. SD satellite fills the 4:3 picture entirely, and HD satellite fills the 4:3 picture, but adds black bars to the top and bottom (as I expected).

Where the weirdness occurs is with some of my OTA channels. I was getting black bars above, below, and on both sides of the picture, within the 4:3 picture. So there was basically this tiny picture in the middle of my 16:9 screen. I noticed this on NBC and FOX. Most of the other OTA channels were fine, they filled the 4:3 picture entirely. Has anyone else experienced this, and is there some way to correct it?
This occurs when a HD channel is only broadcasting 4x3 material. This actually happens alot - local news, commercials, local sindicated shows, even non HD network shows (network news, etc). They have to put left/right side bars to create the 16x9 image. To the 811 it is still a HD signal, so it puts the top/bottom black bars on.

From my understanding the 6000 could ZOOM on this small 4x3 image to fill the entire screen via svideo. I hope this is addressed with the 811.

My local ABC/CBS have a second digital signal (I think all OTA digital stations have to do this) which is a 4x3 SD duplicate of whatever is on their analog channel. This 4x3 image does compeltely fill a 4x3 screen, but it is not nearly as clear and crisp as the downressed HD image.
KyDave said:
This occurs when a HD channel is only broadcasting 4x3 material. This actually happens alot - local news, commercials, local sindicated shows, even non HD network shows (network news, etc). They have to put left/right side bars to create the 16x9 image. To the 811 it is still a HD signal, so it puts the top/bottom black bars on.

From my understanding the 6000 could ZOOM on this small 4x3 image to fill the entire screen via svideo. I hope this is addressed with the 811.

My local ABC/CBS have a second digital signal (I think all OTA digital stations have to do this) which is a 4x3 SD duplicate of whatever is on their analog channel. This 4x3 image does compeltely fill a 4x3 screen, but it is not nearly as clear and crisp as the downressed HD image.

Thanks for the reply. The 811's remote has a format button to zoom, but it only seems to change the format of the on-screen display and not the picture when this is happening. I can use the Zoom on my TV to fill the screen, but then the picture gets pretty ugly and the lines on the screen are very pronounced. As for a second digital signal, the stations in my area do this but it's usually for a different feed, like weather radar.

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