Dish aiming


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 3, 2004
I just re-aimed dish to 61.5 from 148 (DishNetwork has a problem getting signal from 148 with 811 receiver). Works good, switched from CBS LA to CBS NY. The signal level is very high buy I have tree marginally in the line of sight (again, no problems). Is the aiming elevation angle, in this case 27 degrees, the real angle of "sight" to the satellite? I thought the actual satellite might be higher and the 27 deg compensate for the angle between the LNB and the dish. Anyone know?
The 27° elevation angle should be the "real angle" to the satellite. However due to the design of the dish and placement of the LNBF the angle of elevation that the dish appears to be looking at is in fact well below where it actually points. I think the number is somewhere between 10°-15°. Due to this it is possible to have a dish aimed at a satellite with a low elevation angle appear to be pointed at the ground.

You can see a picture illustrating this by visiting this link.
K R Kimmel said:
The 27° elevation angle should be the "real angle" to the satellite. However due to the design of the dish and placement of the LNBF the angle of elevation that the dish appears to be looking at is in fact well below where it actually points. I think the number is somewhere between 10°-15°. Due to this it is possible to have a dish aimed at a satellite with a low elevation angle appear to be pointed at the ground.

You can see a picture illustrating this by visiting this link.

Dude!! You have wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much time on your hands!! :)
babakanoosh said:
I just re-aimed dish to 61.5 from 148 (DishNetwork has a problem getting signal from 148 with 811 receiver). Works good, switched from CBS LA to CBS NY. The signal level is very high buy I have tree marginally in the line of sight (again, no problems). Is the aiming elevation angle, in this case 27 degrees, the real angle of "sight" to the satellite? I thought the actual satellite might be higher and the 27 deg compensate for the angle between the LNB and the dish. Anyone know?

In your case, the dish pan will be nearly vertical, since the signal is offset by 22-23 degrees.
Speaking of problems with the 148 satellite and receivers, I can definitely confirm
that the 148 satellite does not work with the 6000 receiver using the adapter and
new Dish Pro LNB. No matter how I connected it...through the DP 34 switch or
directly to the receiver, it would only recognize the 148 satellite as a 119. I
received a strong signal and there is no doubt that I was looking at the correct
satellite. I finally gave up and re-directed the dish back to the 61.5 satellite and
it was immediately acquired correctly. So the problem with the 148 satellite extends
beyond the 811 receiver and includes the 6000 using the DP adapter.

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