dish csr problem

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 6, 2004
I got my hd dish installed yesterday.I didnot let the tech in to verify it on the tv.I did it all my self.when I called dish they told me I had to have the tech come in to check it.I told them I know how to run the check switch and everything.they at dish would not upgrade my hd channels.what do I do?i'm mad right now.
Why didnt you let the tech in? what do you have to hide? lol are you stacking accounts? duplicate accounts? Its better to let them in that way you get the 90 day warranty. They can not get payed if they themselves didnt do anything and cust doesnt sign paperwork. They cant be hold liable if your system doesnt work because of something you may have done wrong(which im sure you did not do anything wrong)
Why didnt you let the tech in? what do you have to hide?

Same thing crossed my mind. Something doesn't sound Kosher. OP, you will be wasting the installers time to have to come back so he can call in for your activation. This is not a CSR problem, it's yours.
there was no reason for him to come in.I have been a long time customer and they treat me this way.if dish doesn't want my money I will give it to somebody else.I can't help if my family was asleep and did not want to be disturb.I know my satellite stuff more than this installer did.
there was no reason for him to come in.I have been a long time customer and they treat me this way.if dish doesn't want my money I will give it to somebody else.I can't help if my family was asleep and did not want to be disturb.I know my satellite stuff more than this installer did.

If I was the installer I would of packed up everything and left. I hate it when people waste my time when I am out there trying to make a living.
there was no reason for him to come in.I have been a long time customer and they treat me this way.if dish doesn't want my money I will give it to somebody else.I can't help if my family was asleep and did not want to be disturb.I know my satellite stuff more than this installer did.

Then you should have scheduled the installation when it was convenient for you. They have a job to do and the company has its' policies. If you don't like them, go somewhere else. I agree with the other posters, what do you have to hide? :rolleyes:
If he already had dishes pointing at all the right birds then there is no reason to have a tech come. Ive run into this when upgrading to HD, they said I needed extra dishes, etc. When I explained I had them and that I was a tech they finally agreed.

What is strange is why would you have a HD receiver if your not receiving HD programming? I can understand not wanting a tech coming over, I would be in the same boat, but you need to give more information.

Since you dont thats why you get the flame posts. Many techs get tired of hearing people say they know all about the system yet really they dont. Not saying your in that group but techs run across this constantly.
I can't help if my family was asleep and did not want to be disturb.I know my satellite stuff more than this installer did.

Get ready for it!!!!!

You sir are a horse's rump! You can help it if they are sleeping, it's called schedule an appointment that doesn't conflict with your family's desire to sleep the day away while the rest of the world is up and at them. It's called WAKE THEM UP! There are plenty of worse things than not getting to sleep an extra hour. You're a spoiled brat. As for knowing more than the tech, I fix installs for people that "know more than the tech". Personally, if you did that to me, I would have just canceled the work order. Like I would care if some horse's rump doesn't get his HD channels because he wants to sleep till black thirty.
Must be hiding something i would def. flag your account for future audits.
I always get my way.
Not in this instance, you ordered an upgrade in service wich requires repointing / adding / upgrading a dish, possibly runing new cable(s), possibly adding adding or upgrading a switch, adding a receiver unless you already bought it, going to all the receivers and running checkswitch and verifying that there is signal that is meeting minimum requirements, calling and adding the apropriate package. This is company policy that the technician has to follow to ensure that the customer is getting what they may or may not have paid for.

Your getting flamed because your acting like a spoiled child having a temper tantrum over not getting their way. People come on this site for the first time and post a story of "woe is me I had a bad install" and most of them are legitimate complaints but in your instance you refused to allow the technician to do his job insisting that you know more than he does and I can tell you right now that that is highly suspect, if you knew as much as you would like to think you do then you would have let the man do his job and if you dont like to be flamed then think before you leap next time.
I thought this was a nice place and a flamefest sure the guy is a bit stuck up but could this have been one post?? I'm glad the tech around are not SOB's like the some are here
I got my hd dish installed yesterday.I didnot let the tech in to verify it on the tv.I did it all my self.when I called dish they told me I had to have the tech come in to check it.I told them I know how to run the check switch and everything.they at dish would not upgrade my hd channels.what do I do?i'm mad right now.

The only person you have to be mad at is yourself. If you don't want to play by the rules that Dish has set forth, then you can take you glove and leave, but you have to realize, it's their field, their ball, their game.
Don't expect for people here to feel sorry for you when you make statements like you have made in this thread. :rolleyes:
I got my hd dish installed yesterday.I didnot let the tech in to verify it on the tv.I did it all my self.when I called dish they told me I had to have the tech come in to check it.I told them I know how to run the check switch and everything.they at dish would not upgrade my hd channels.what do I do?i'm mad right now.

I too would have cancelled the work order and walked away from it. When the tech hands over the stuff and its accepted: well hes on the hook for the damn warranty. trouble calls for crap he didnt have a chance to inspect. no way.

mr dlh should have either bought his own receiver and self installed or had dish send him one direct. otherwise hes screwing with someones elses living.
Please reply by conversation.

Canceled service..... they won't stop calling

Legacy dish and new 322 receiver

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